Average rating4
This series started off great but by the end I felt like I was just reading a copy and paste of the first book with different names and a slightly different storyline. Honestly average at best
I was 100% certain I wouldn't like this book, and there were some things that I did not in fact enjoy. But overall the story kept me engaged and I like the plot twists!
I cried.
I'm going to miss every single character in this series and it makes me so sad to know that it's over.
Wat een mega goed einde van de serie! Ge-wel-dig. Ik vind het zo fijn dat deze boeken ook echt een plot hebben en niet alleen maar romance. Al zou Ana Huang nog 20 boeken van deze serie uitbrengen zou ik ze allemaal lezen!
Het epiloog was ook zo mooi en schattig en geweldig! Echt een topboek
I consider myself a big fan of Ana's multiple works. Even though these books are considered as stand-alone I really recommend that they're read in order to enjoy the experience of this friend group.
Twisted Lies was possibly my favorite out of all the series, this was my first “fake dating” book that I thoroughly enjoyed. Considering this book was a long one. I felt that both Christian and Stella had great character development in this story and a nice slow build with their relationship. This wasn't a “let's get straight into it” plot where we would see many plots grow stale after excitement peaked too early. I loved how Ana concluded this story by tying in all the couples in the series and giving them all their own cameos and a small peak to how their lives have changed with the time skip.
Overall, I DNF Twisted Hate as I wasn't really drawn into it but I did manage to fall in love with all the other couples and their own stories. This series was well written and I enjoyed reading it.
Such a slow burn, but worth the wait! Loved this book, and how we also got an update from pass books!
A ver, lo que me pasó con este libro fue, que a diferencia de los anteriores, se me hizo demasiado largo, pesado y por muchos momentos aburrido.
Al principio venía bien, los primeros capítulos me super atraparon y me gustaba por donde iba, pero luego se fue tornando lento y repetitivo. Pasaba bastante rato leyendo y sentía que nunca avanzaba, y que nada estaba ocurriendo. Lo cual es una pena, porque tanto la trama como los personajes me gustaban, y pensé que iba a ser de mis favoritos, pero no.
Aún así le doy 3 ⭐️ porque después de todo, tuvo más sentido que el primero (al que le di 2,5), y como final de serie no estuvo horrible. Solo esperaba otra cosa.
rating-4.5/5 “Butterfly?” Beautiful. Elusive. Hard to catch.that was SUCHHH a FUN read bahaha. it was the most fun I've had reading a book from this series. Chrisrian Harper and Stella were the absolute perfect pair. I loved how relatable Stella was. Her insecurities and thoughts in her pov just spoke to me. i haven't read a book with a female protagonist that i liked, in a while. So this was really refreshing. here's an excerpt that i ABSOLUTELY loved:I liked the idea of it. When I read a romance book, watched a romantic scene, or saw cute couples at dinner, a yearning for something similar tugged at my gut. But once the book or movie was over and I re-entered the bright light of reality, the yearning disappeared. Romanticizing love was easy. Falling in love was harder, especially when my previous relationships had all lacked...something. Some sort of emotional connection that would make the risk of falling worth it. Plus, I'd gotten used to being single, and I doubted the reality of love could live up to my fantasies of it, so I didn't even try.The lead up to them getting together was so much fun. That with Christian and her friend group being supportive pro-max and building Stella up was the primary reason why i loved this book sm. ++ all the callbacks to the other couples and the epilogue(ish?) scene with all of them together gave me instant serotonin. Overall so happy i decided to finish this series:)
A lot of feelings - spicy feelings.
Was not a fan of “butterfly” made me cringe.
Overall, I liked Christian and I think Stella was really good for him. Their Italy trip made me swoon. And their first real kiss? Oh lord where is the fan.
Was it my favourite in the series? No, but I still enjoyed it.
I really, really enjoyed this series. Like ... a lot. I'm not sure what made this just under a 5 star for me, because Christian Freaking Harper is definitely a 5. Maybe it was the result of the plot? Christian's progress through the book and some parts of the ending were extremely swoon worthy.
This series, overall, was wonderful. I think Twisted Hate was my favorite book as far as it being a 5 star. But Twisted Love and Twisted Lies I think had the best book boyfriends and character development. I would highly recommend this series!