Average rating3.4
✧My first Colleen Hoover Book Review ✧
Official Rating:⭐⭐
I'm giving this 2 stars because I like what this book could have been. It could have been a story about emotional healing and learning to love again. But I guess a healthy book is too much to ask from CoHo.
This book is a mess. I don't understand how people can find Ugly Love romantic. I wish people, including Colleen Hoover, understood that it's not up to romantic partners to solve a man's emotional problems.
My main issues with Ugly Love:
- What is with the weird ass step-sibling romance? Like CoHo what was going through your mind?
- Tate had no self-respect for the entire story. There were times when I couldn't read anymore because she just had no backbone.
- Miles desperately needed THERAPY. NOT “LOVE”.
- Most of the book is just depressing sex. I saw absolutely no actual chemistry/romance between Miles and Tate.
- Miles sucks. Tate sucks. I don't know why I should like either of them. They're just two sad, pathetic people.
Uff! I have been thinking about this review for some time... And to be honest I don't know if this book deserves 4 stars.
The backstory was super interesting and I was really invested in it, however the present was confusing and frustrating. I don't like when toxic relationship is romanticised and unfortunatly this one is one of those...
I recommend this to people who like this author and/or the series After.
I love all of Colleen Hoover's books and this one is no exception.
Tate is an independence young woman, except when it comes to Miles, her brother's tortured and complex best friend who lives across the hall.
Miles has a LOT of baggage from the past (and we get to see that in alternating points of view, with his 6 years earlier.)
A lot of steam in this one and I really wanted Miles to get his act together, which he finally does.
Another page turner from Colleen.
I didn't have many expectations for this book, I just knew there was going to be a lot of sex and a mysterious pilot. Never did I think that it would have so much depth. It was just so much that what I expected. and I loved it. It almost made me cry and I just loved it so much.
I loved this book however I was a bit disappointed we didn't get to know more of Miles. I felt the chapters from his POV were rushed and I couldn't get into his relationship with Rachel, nor did I feel as bad as I should have when it was revealed what happened to cause Miles to swear off love forever. I would love to read this same story completely from Miles's POV a la This Girl or Losing Hope.
I went into this book with my expectations much too high. Its definitely a great book with the usual incredible plot twist i did not at all see coming but I definitely connected less to these characters than in some of Colleen's other work and it took me a lot longer to get hooked into the story as well. I think i wouldve enjoyed it more if my expectations had been lower.
So umm besties idk how to tell you that I hated the pacing in this and the writing was very not for me. I was originally going to give this like a two-star because of that and because I didn't connect to the characters, but I really loved the themes. I see what Ms. Colleen was trying to do and I can appreciate that despite the many flaws I had with it.
My girl Colleen did it again and completely destroyed me in the process!
Has a pretty standard romantic story line but overall it's enjoyable. If you didn't like Verity I wouldn't recommend this book as it's quite similar is ways but without the mystery storyline
Contains spoilers
Honestly I felt it was a pretty toxic story line.... Women should never feel they need to "fix" a man or sleep with him in hopes one day he falls in love.
I'm sorry but I literally couldn't stand any character in this book except Cap... And also the whole getting your step-sister pregnant thing just...
I'm wrecked. Absolutely wrecked. This was beautiful. Powerful. Depressing. Almost cried but I was listening to this at work so I had to keep it together.
Points taken off for the writing style when told through Miles' POV. Read very much like “Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe” which was weird, because Miles is an adult. It also semi-took away from the story.
Also points off for the love story crossing far into cheesy territory and not enough of an emotional connection built between the two characters. Not a very believable connection nor something I was necessarily rooting for.
However, the sub-story that was told through Miles' story made up for any of that.
“Love isn't always pretty. Sometimes you spend all your time hoping it'll eventually be something different. Something better. Then, before you know it, you're back to square one, and you lost your heart somewhere along the way.”WOW would you believe it if I said I finished this in 4 HRS!?!?If I could rate this a 10 out of 5 stars I WOULD!!this is amazingg I was scared to pick this up coz it was an over-hyped book but it lived up to its expectations and much more!“God gives us the ugliness so we don't take the beautiful things in life for granted.”I didn't cry and I was glad for that but Mile's backstory broke.my.heart into a million pieces. I wasn't a fan of him at first but as the story went on I started liking him more and more.“It's the beautiful moments like this that make up for the ugly love”Another reason I didn't want to pick this up was coz it had the fwb trope but it was so much more than that, this book will take ur heart and break it into a million pieces and then fix it a bit and give it back to you...If the above reasons are whats putting you off from reading the book don't hesitate to read it...coz you might end up loving it!I wasn't able to think of anything at all after reading this which is surprising coz I didn't even expect to like it. “I didn't fall in love with you... I flew.” Saved the best quote for last :) [a:Colleen Hoover 5430144 Colleen Hoover https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1464032240p2/5430144.jpg] how do you do this?!! This is my fav of hers so far,I have only read 2 other books by her, [b:Verity 59344312 Verity Colleen Hoover https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1634158558l/59344312.SY75.jpg 64581304] and [b:November 9 25111004 November 9 Colleen Hoover https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1447138036l/25111004.SY75.jpg 40214925]...hope to read more in the future!!
Uma das coisas que mais amei no livro foi a personalidade real deles. Quando a Tate dizia “you don't have to tell me”. Na minha opini??o foi muito real porque ele j?? tava a passar por muito e a Tate tem a no????o que lembrar/falar sobre d??i ainda mais. E ele ainda n??o tava preparado para falar sobre o passado e os sentimentos dele.
Como la sinopsis explica, el libro se trata de una joven llamada Tate que se traslada al departamento de su hermano por un tiempo mientras termina sus estudios universitarios. Durante el primer capítulo ella conoce a Miles, un hombre ahogado por su pasado. Entre ambos hacen un pacto para mantener una relación sin compromiso, solo placer y diversión; pero como en muchas situaciones, el trato no funciona y los sentimientos entre ambos se intensifican.
He investigado, y al parecer no ha muchas personas les ha gustado este libro; todo lo contrario a lo que yo pienso.
Antes de empezar a explicar porque este libro me pareció fantástico, quiero apuntar algunas cosas que me agradaron del libro que podrían ser aspectos extra que hicieron de la lectura mejor para mi satisfacción.
Cuando Tate se muda al departamento, esperando al ascensor, se encuentra con Cap. La teoría que el explica sobre las manchas de nacimiento y las vidas anteriores me parecieron fascinantes y verdaderas, ahora cada vez que veo una, pienso en eso; y tengo que apuntar que eso lo logran los libros que te hacen pensar.
Los detalles en el libro son esquicitos. Soy de la clase de lectoras que les encantan los detalles en todo, especialmente en las emociones y sentimientos, y este libro está lleno de ellas.
Podríamos entrelazar lo que dije en el párrafo anterior con el ejemplo de los capítulos en los cuales Miles narra su pasado. Ese Fashback no me atrae, no es de mi agrado, no obstante la forma en cómo escribe en prosa, casi simulando poesía es magnífico y original.
La novela nunca para de ser graciosa y de sorprenderte. Mayormente, al leer los libros, tengo la habilidad de adivinar con exactitud el final de cada personaje y del libro en sí, sin embargo Ugly love fue la excepción. Todo el libro fue inesperado y tortuoso; nunca en la vida hubiera esperado ese final, y me paralizo de tal manera que la resaca literaria duró casi una semana.
No sé qué tiene de maravillosos este libro, pero a mí me encanto y lo devoré con locura. Recuerdo que cuando lo empecé era de noche, y me desvele leyéndolo y luego al otro día mi madre me saco la kindle y casi muero de la ansiedad. Sí tienen la oportunidad (lo dudo) de hablar con mis compañeros de curso, ellos sabrán corroborar mi sufrimiento.
Sin más que agregar, comenten su opinión y acepten la mía. ¡Saludos!
Nuet het beste boek van Colleen, maar zeker ook niet de slechtse! Leuk dat er 2 POV'S waren en dat we bij het verleden van Miles begonnen. Jammer dat de POV van Miles alleen maar van 6 jaar geleden was. Ik had ook best vanuit zijn POV nu willen lezen. Mooi afgerond verhaal, al duurde het wel erg lang voordat we wisten wat de gebeurtenis van 6 jaar geleden was... en daarnaast was Tate ook heel makkelijk in alles accepteren. Dat vond ik wel jammer ofzo (een beetje tegengas had best gemogen).
Schrijf is gewoon top en plottwists (al waren die niet mega mindblowing dit boek) ook!