Average rating4.4
Strong 4 1/2. The audio is read by Edward Herman, which is such a delight, as his dignified and classical delivery is so perfectly suited to the story. Liz and I listened to this on a car trip together, and it took much longer to get through because we kept having to pause for exclamations and discussions (recommended!). The story is so fantastical, I was on the edge of my seat on what happened next to him and his friends in the story. I also appreciated the historical details. Though they did slow the story, I learned from them and they inspired a lot of great discussions. Glad this is on the HBOB list!
Wow. Just, wow. Each of Louis' ordeals seems to crush the previous in terms of hardship and his response. The timeline is unthinkable. Most of the major incidents his life, as retold in this book, occur within a few short years of his youth. Such highs and lows seem like they would crush a human spirit, and he is crushed. His recovery and ascendence to peace makes the story heartwarming even as there is unspeakable cruelty within.
I'd recommend this book to folks interested in history, running (you'll be impressed), and life stories. I'm thankful that my dentist recommended this book several years ago and that I found it.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any more unbelievable it did. absolutely incredible the things that this man had to face and endure. especially liked the section near the end to hear the impact of Billy Graham on his life.
Felt a bit surreal reading a book that describes very vividly a bloody war and half-way through it an actual bloody fucking war starts. The book itself is interesting, but I guess there was nothing new in it. It was the same as reading the 7th book about Holocaust. After a point, you've already read about all there is to know.
This was an incredibly well written book. It is so heartbreaking to me what these men went through, and yet inspiring that they were able to find a way to face every challenge with a sense of hope. It is also a story of compassion and forgiveness. Truly amazing. Thank you to all of the men and women that put themselves at risk to protect our freedom.
Holy cow - if you think your day was bad? This dude is unbelievable. The book is 100x better than the movie.
One of the most incredible books I have ever read. Louis Zamperini's story is an emotional rollercoaster. Every chapter seemed to bring twists that left me incredulous. Laura Hillenbrand's excellent writing and thorough research did this great story justice. This story of perseverance, indomitable will, and unbelievable forgiveness is a great read for many audiences. I highly recommend this book...5 stars isn't enough.
Are you like me? Do you ever read a book that is so amazing that all you want to do is tell people to go read this book?
I'm not just talking about telling other big readers like me and you. I'm talking about telling everybody. My brother who loves WWII. My eighty-four year old dad who never reads books. My friend who reads mainly mysteries. My checker at Kroger. Everybody.
When I woke up this morning, I felt so happy: I had finished Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand yesterday and I had loved it. I wanted to write a Sunday Salon post about Unbroken, a post so brilliantly written that everyone who read my post would zip out and buy the book and read it today.
I tried writing down my favorite parts of this amazing book and I tried writing lines and lines of enthusiastic prose about this amazing book and I tried writing entreaties to go buy this amazing book because it's, yes, amazing....but nothing seemed right.
Finally, I came across this fifty page excerpt of Unbroken and I realized that I could simply post part of the book and let you read the book for yourself and decide for yourself. In fact, I'll go further....I challenge you to simply read the two page preface of the book (pages 18 and 19) and see if this book works for you.
I'd love to hear what you think.
đọc mà nước mắt cứ rưng rưng 🥺 mọi người phải cảm nhận truyện từ góc nhìn của Louis, mới thấy phát xít kinh khủng tới mức nào… An uncomfortable but great read.
The story is inspiring and amazing. The writing style was a bit basic, written like a children's book at times, which was a little irritating. It is well worth the read, though.
It took me a few years to get past my usual aversion to war memoirs, but I'm glad I finally read Unbroken. It reads like a novel, gripping, scary (sharks OMG) and moving. Historically, it filled in a lot of the blanks in my knowledge about Japanese POW camps; I had always gathered that they were bad, bid never knew the extent of the horror those POWs lived through. The story is beyond inspiring.
Short Review: This was a very good book. I have had it on my kindle shelf for a while but just couldn't get myself to read another horrible war story. It is pretty graphic at times, but there is a sense of hope in the writing, in part because you know that he is going to live. (Or at least I did because he came and read a letter from the end of the book at my church during a sermon on forgiveness.
My full review at http://bookwi.se/unbroken-hillenbrand/
I also have a review of the movie on my blog at http://bookwi.se/unbroken-movie-review/
I like how Laura Hillenbrand tells about Louis Zamperini who defied adversity gives the full details about a very special man.
What an absolutely amazing, well written, and heart-breaking book. This is not a book to read quickly and not one to rush through and ignore parts of. Every piece, every word should be taken in and contemplated.
My heart is heavy and tears fell often during this one. War is never an easy subject and this book will definitely leave you thinking and feeling deeply.
I could not put this book down. At times unbelievable and at others heartbreaking! Well worth it in the end!
I had a lot of reasons to be interested in this book, not in the least being that my grandpa served in the Pacific Theater during WWII. I think the war in Europe often overshadows the war in the Pacific, so whenever I see something set in that area of the world I'm interested. And then, of course, to have this be such an epic true story makes it an even more rewarding read.
I think if I didn't know that this was a true story, I'd pan it a bit for being unbelievable - the sequence of events that make up Zamparini's life just seem incredible, and his ability to survive and ultimately forgive make for compelling reading. I did feel like there were a few points - in the beginning particularly - where the narrative was a bit slow, but I can forgive those small issues in light of an otherwise wonderful book. This was definitely a story I won't soon forget. Highly recommended.
Great book, well-researched, heart-wrenching, thought-provoking, and inspiring.
I haven't read a lot about the Pacific front of WW2, and wow was this one sobering. It was shocking to think of the amount of men who died just in training in the B-24s, and once they got in the field the casualties were horrific. Sure makes me thankful for how many of the men faced death with a smile on their faces just to keep a totalitarian society at bay.
If you're considering this for a younger reader, do grab the young reader copy. This one does have some torture scenes that are pretty horrid to think of.
I especially loved how hearing and accepting the Gospel totally changes Louie's future. What a beautiful testimony: the world saw him as a hero, but Louie himself was stuck in the past and couldn't move forward until after he met Jesus at a Billy Graham revival.
lots of torture (weep)
fairly heavy cursing