Average rating3.1
This is a nice take on the Grimm stories. I am definitely going to continue reading this series.
Don't get noticed. Don't be special.
Mina Grimes grew up believing she should never stand out in the crowd. Instead, she made sure she was as unremarkable as possible. It helps when you are the unluckiest girl in the world. Whether it was ripping her backpack, or being constantly late for school, Mina is always running into bad luck. Until the day she saves Brody from a fatal accident. Suddenly, Mina is in the spotlight for the first time. And she knows what this means. Her mother will pack up the family and move on to the next city. She's done it before and she will do it again. But Mina is done moving.
Taking a stand, Mina demands they stay. It's then her mother breaks down and tells her the reason behind their constant moves. Mina is in danger. She is the next family member to be caught by the Grimm curse. A curse that has plagued their family for generations and cause the death of Mina's father. If Mina is caught by the curse, she must survive every single Grimm fairytale that comes her way. Determined to beat the curse and prevent it from passing onto her younger brother, Mina accepts her fate and begins to face off against the fairy tales.
One of the minor mysteries in this novel involved Mina's younger brother. It was mentioned many times that he never spoke, yet the reason why was never revealed. It was frustrating to have the author make a big deal out of his unwillingness to talk, and never provide a resolution to it. In this way, it felt more like filler, or a convenient way out of creating dialogue for a character.
Mina's mother was also surprisingly immature. Her dialogue was childish and hurtful, with no regard to how it would affect her daughter. She never seemed to know the appropriate time to explain anything. Instead, she tried to cover up and avoid whatever she could, which only put Mina in danger. Having lost her husband, I can understand wanting to protect her daughter, but as a mother she was horrible.
Parts of this story moved forward too quickly as if the author didn't know how to write certain scenes and jumped ahead. Mina somehow figured out information on a character, without any prior knowledge of the legends surrounding them, or even really interacting with them. I could understand if she had studied the fairy tales, but this story is specifically about her lack of knowledge and how she struggles with each one. Development of the character and Mina's relationship with them was required in order for her to draw conclusions about them.
Mina was also too much of a damsel in distress. It was a promising start when she put on a brave front to save her brother from the fairy tales. But then she always ended up crying for help, because she never thought before doing anything. Half the situations she ended up in, could have been prevented if she was even the slightest bit cautious. Ok, she has bad luck, but apparently, she lacks any common sense too.
While I enjoyed the originality of the story, there were grammatical areas and plot development that needed help. There was so little interaction between Mina and the other characters. You rarely see her with her family, unless there is a crisis or some part of the curse that needed explaining. With all the build up on Mina getting teased and bullied in school, it's barely seen after chapter one. Even if a student is seen as the school hero, it doesn't completely change how everyone acts towards them.
Not a series I will be continuing.
This follows the story of Mina who is a descendant of the brothers Grimm, she is subject to a curse of fairy tales and needs to complete a series of quests.
While I really enjoyed the story I can't bring myself to pay $3.99 for the next book since each book is not that long to begin with. There were a few spelling mistakes but not to the point where it destroyed the story. I liked the slight twist that it took with the romance, although it was quite predictable. I personally thought it was a great way to show how the curse is taking over her life.
I would recommend people to check this book out, especially if you could find it for free on your e-reader.
“It's just a boring bakery tour. What could possibly go wrong, other than death from boredom?”
Mina Grime is a bad luck magnet. She's not klutzy or clumsy, she literally seems to attract all the bad luck in the universe to her. So, cue the feelings of impending doom when she utters the above sentence.
But then again, I never expected this - although I did half expect her to fall into a vat of cake batter. ;)
“You know I don't believe in fairy tales.” As soon as the words left Mina's mouth, a crash of thunder shook the cafeteria, and the lights flickered on and off.
So, Mina's a pretty average girl, and I liked her for that. She doesn't like to be the center of attention (which I can totally relate to). She's a little on the meek side, but can stand up for herself beautifully if the need arises and is actually rather smart/quick.
But, as much as I like her, the book wouldn't be much fun without:
“You can't tell me about this curse and then NOT expect me to help. I'm your friend. I care about you, and I care about Charlie [Mina's little brother]. It's a done deal.”
Nan. Her of the ‘two semesters of karate, a serious case of attitude and mace on her keychain.' The best friend.
Nan and Mina are total opposites, but they would do anything for each other. Of course, they tend to snark at each other, even while being best friends - both of which makes me adore them even more.
“Not every tale has a happy ending. In fact, many of them are grim.”
So, Mina's family is cursed. Cursed with being forced into living out every single Grimm tale - and only if they survive is the curse broke. Otherwise, it will continue haunting the family. (As it has been for two hundred years. Makes me wonder what the Brothers Grimm did to upset the tales so much.)
“It is why the stories keep changing throughout history, as each Grimm's action or decision changes the outcome.”
Very cool! I think it could have been implemented a little better - not as haphazard - but I love the idea behind it. Forcing some poor sap to live through the various fairy tales? Yes, please!
All is not good in fairy tale land, though. This book has one thing that I hate.
Brody Carmichael. (aka: poor little rich boy.)
He's a self-absorbed, entitled slug. Of course, with a name like that, you kind of expect him to be. (Seriously, a name like that just oozes old money trying to be hip to me.)
So, Mina saves his life. (Totally not a spoiler considering it says so in the synopsis. And in the first sentence of the book.) At great personal risk to herself, I might add. However, he never even once thanks her. Can't be bothered to be grateful she saved his worthless life, I guess.
The school, in an effort to get some funding, allows a news crew to interview Mina on the school grounds. All the other students are there - in the auditorium, I believe - and while they are cheering for her, Brody is sitting there, frowning at her and unmoving. Grateful slug, isn't he?
Later on, she must go to his house and rides her old bicycle there. Which he then accidentally runs over with his car. She, unable to face him, run off. Instead of waiting for tomorrow, as they go to the same school, he later admits that he tried calling her to apologize. (Nice, right? Just wait.) Her number's unlisted. He checked with his friends. None have her number. He tried finding her address. That's unlisted to.
He then tasks one of his employees with finding where she lives. This employee couldn't find the exact address, but discovered that she lives in the ‘international district.' He then proceeds to drive around that district the next morning until he finds her.
Restraining order, I'd like to introduce you to Brody Carmichael. You will grow to know him well.
What follows is Mina telling him twice to leave her alone. (I give Mina tons of credit right now for realizing he's a stalker, that this is not okay and calling him on it.) He listens by showing up at her locker at the end of school and stealing her backpack so she'd ‘be forced to go with him.'
Romantic, isn't he?
Later, when Mina's attacked and Brody manages to rescue her, we're treated to him - not being mature - but acting like a spoiled rich brat that didn't get his way. (Oh. That was too on the nose, wasn't it?)
It wasn't until Mina saw that he was going forty over the speed limit that she thought to panic.
“Brody, slow down!” she yelled.
He pounded the steering wheel in frustration, his blue eyes stormy with anger.
“Stop! If you're going to drive like a crazy person, you'll have to let me out!” When Brody didn't seem to hear her, she began to panic, grabbing the door for safety.
He eventually calms down, but proceeds to demand an explanation from Mina, basically blaming her for being attacked and then almost orders her to do something she really doesn't want to.
However, Mina, once again, shows at least some brains.
“Hanging out with me for two days does not give you permission to decide what I should do and should not do.”
Brody's a slug. And you know what I do with slugs? Step on them. (Not to mention that both the boys in this story need some anger management classes. Slug of a Neandertal.)
Sadly enough, he eventually wears Mina down and all of his controlling starts taking on a romantic hue. Oh, he's just so perfect. (Gag me.)
(Originally posted on my blog: pagesofstarlight.blogspot.com)
This book is amazing! Can't wait to read the others. I read this book in one night. If you are looking for a faerie/gothic novel, read this novel and suggest it to your friends.