Average rating4.3
I'm a writer, but like most writers, inspiration is often difficult to come by. I can often find inspiration in books–books that I wish I had written, books that I fall madly in love with. This is both a blessing and a curse: one one hand, the inspiration is awesome and the book is awesome. On the other, these books are very difficult to find.
Unmade (as well as the other Lynburn Legacy books) is one of these books. And what's even more surprising about that is that it's been so long since I read the first books that I barely remember them, and Unmade took my heart by force regardless.
I love young adult and I love fantasy, so SRB had the advantage there. But there was so much else to love in this book that had nothing to do with my M.O. I loved the ancient family dynasty, the magic, the small-town names and feel. I loved each character and the way even the most minor characters managed to be unique and memorable and heart-stealing. I loved the humor, the way any character could spout at intervals a one-liner that would have me literally laughing out loud. (We type “lol” so flippantly now while giving faint smirks at our screens... this book made me emit embarrassing, snortlike noises of laughter regularly.) I love the love in this book most of all–not just the romantic love (and that one steamy scene in the beginning–WOW SRB, go you), but all of the other types of love that SRB has strewn, unabashedly and endearingly, throughout the book. The love the families have for each other, the love the people have for their town, the love the friends have for each other.
If I can write a book someday that makes me feel the way that this book has, I will consider myself wildly successful. Until then, I'll keep Kami Glass and all her friends with me, as both inspiration and as one of my favorite stories.
I can't give a proper well written thought out review because well I am nothing but feelings now. I read this book in less than a day and it well. Ahhhh. Anyway I loved it, I loved it a lot. It wasn't perfect but gosh darn it, it pulled off many things perfectly. I love how Sarah Rees Brennan writes friendships and siblings and parent-child relationships, I love that there are so many different variations of each in her books.
I am happy with the way the book ended, I was sad for a lot of the book, my pillow was wet with my tears, I skipped dinner and grew hungry as I read this book, I went to bed late finishing this book and am now tired here at work (where I should be working and not writing about how a book gave me feelings). This is probably such an unhelpful review but I don't care read the book! Read the series, read The Demon's Lexicon just pick up all things Sarah Rees Brennan.
And this one, though it has the funny bits, is mostly cry-out-loud, which is even more embarrassing if not reading in private.
Too much drama/angst of the romantic kind and not enough kicking the butt of evil sorcerers for me.