Until Forever Comes

Until Forever Comes

2013 • 204 pages


Average rating3.5


So this started with our werewolf MC attacked by vampires, lying there, bleeding out but somehow had enough blood left to form an erection as our Vampire MC approached him. Won't God do it.

And in true full steam ahead fashion, our WMC runs away from home to live with VMC and they start fucking and making enduring promises to one another.

"You are enough for me. Don’t ever doubt that, okay, baby?”

You met this man 3 days ago. Don't piss me off.

When Crissy first told Ethan that he would save them all, I thought, 'oh great, another teenage savior book', but I'm happy to report that it's really not like that at all. He does save them, but it's not like that, is all I'll say.

“I don’t have a… a nest egg,” I told him. “I don’t have land or businesses. I have a couple of sets of clothes, a pocketknife, and a box my sister made for me when I was a kid."

💀💀💀💀💀💀There's poor and then there's whatever this is. He comes to the relationship with literally nothing but love. Good thing it's a romance.

Also. Awwwwwww. Until Forever Comes is a very apt (and sweet) title for this book. Also a very sweet thing to choose with the one you love, given the context.

June 6, 2024Report this review