Average rating4
I am really glad I discovered this series again. Just like the last book I sped trough this one pretty fast. Because there are some many different stories at the same time it really makes you wanna read more. It???s really good at keeping you interested and keeping your attention. I really likes chapters that were written from the planes point of views. I nice twist in the writing that I enjoyed. I am looking forward to reading part 3.
One thing that did bother me in this book is that almost all the ???teams??? that we follow during this book is one guy and one girl. And there is always some promise of romance or sexual tension between them. First I find that very annoying. I don???t care for romance that much, especially if it forced upon the reader. Second is this, like many other things in the book, very heteronormative. There were even blue and pink body bags.
Summary: After escaping the harvest camp, the unlikely heroes of Unwind continue, in their own ways, to fight to make sure that other unwinds never have to face the horrors of unwinding. Things won’t be easy, though, because, as it turns out, the Anti-Divisional Resistance, the group working to keep unwinds safe, is not nearly as effective as Connor, the new leader of the country’s biggest unwind hideout, would like it to be. Not only that, but there are forces—both from outside the hideout and within its gates—actively plotting against Connor and the hideout’s established order, and the Proactive Citizenry group has created an entirely new person—Cam—out of the parts of Unwinds as part of a campaign to make sure everyone stays on board with the practice of unwinding.
Turning out to be such an amazing series! Excited to read the rest of the books, but also scared cause that's a lot of room for heartbreak.
Rating: 4.5
Another well-written book by Shusterman, filled with the angst and worries that any teenager would feel under the same circumstances.
We are reunited with new and old friends. In particular, I was saddened to see reference to someone from the novella between the first and second book. Yet, it was inevitable, as I doubt Shusterman would have stressed the importance of a particular part without it being brought back into the series.
There was a lot of character development in this book. With Connor, we see his turmoil at being responsible for all the kids who he wants to keep alive. His relationship with Risa is clearly strained, whether it be due to what happened at Happy Jacks or the burden of being the top dog at base. Lev is trying to grow up as well as he can, but it's difficult when his parents reject him and the ones he loves most are horrifically endangered with him. And Risa wants to help, but is limited in what she could do after losing usage of her legs.
Cam...where do I even...I'm sorry for how he came into existence, but I cannot fault him for wanting to make the most of what he now has. He didn't ask for life, and definitely not in the way it happened. Without the reality check from Risa, it would have been horrible to see him brainwashed by the Proactive Citizenry. I definitely look forward to seeing what impact he has in the series.
Overall, a great read. A dark read with a slight touch of realism.
Really enjoying this series. It's scary to think of the world becoming something where the choices of teens long ago can set off events to make it where parents can “unwind” their kids and where body parts are sold to those who can pay. It sure makes for a lucrative business.
In this installment Connor is trying keep the graveyard running and free of rebellion but factions are being made and danger is underway. Risa has choices to make that go against everything she believes but to save others will she make that sacrifice? Lev meanwhile has been ‘rescued' after a tragic accident and is now in a facility being treated as a god. Cam, being the creation he is, struggles to define he's more than melded parts...that he's whole...human.
While I am enjoying this series I wish there was more character development within the relationships. It feels like the relationships are hollow while insinuating there should or could be more. But then maybe that's the point...we, as humans, will do what we need to survive even if that means attaching ourselves to those we feel can fill the void and make the lonely not so empty.
Melanjutkan dimana ending buku 1 berakhir, Connor menjalankan kuburan, Risa menjadi kepala tim medis kuburan & Lev tinggal bersama Marcus yg menjadi walinya.
Banyak tokoh baru, diantaranya ada 2 yg sangat menyebalkan bikin gemess. Alurnya cepat & ceritanya seru dari buku 1.
Ada 1 tokoh baru yg menarik, Cam, dia diciptakan dari penggabungan potongan2 tubuh anak unwind yg terbaik. Dia langsung suka sama Risa begitu melihat gambar Risa. Di akhir Cam malah berbalik melawan org2 yg menciptakannya.
Woah. That was... Really intense.
I enjoyed this book overall, although, there were a few things that made me angry. It was a bit confusing at one point. That was cleared up later in the book, though, so it's all good. And also? RISA, WHAT IN FUDGE'S SAKE WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU KISSED SO-AND-SO ON THE CHEEK??? CONNOR IS THE ONLY ONE FOR YOU. Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest.
Anyways, it was EXTREMELY suspenseful and really had me on the edge of my seat. I am very eager for the next book in this series.