Varsity Rulebreaker

Varsity Rulebreaker

342 pages


Average rating5


Books, Coffee & Passion
I'm utterly, completely, totally in love with Hollis. She was a fantastic character, a tiger, a warrior! She was brave, snarky, funny, strong, sweet and flawed. Absolutely amazing. Definitely my favorite heroine in this series!
Now that I've gushed about Hollis, there was Cannon too. Honestly, at first it took me a minute to warm up to him. Even though I understood some of his behavior at the beginning of the book, I was siding with Hollis in all of it. Anyway, Cannon was torned between family loyalty, his feelings for Hollis and a few preconceived notions regarding women in sports. Fortunately, his character growth was done beautifully and the boy started to pitch like a dream in more ways than one. The way he stood at Hollis' corner was so sweet and swoon worthy!
Furthermore, I loved Cannon's dad, I really loved the Cannon's bromance with Tory, who is still my absolute favorite hero in this series, and I enjoyed the moments with Lucas, June and Lola too. As a sports fan, I also adored the fact that the story had a lot of baseball in it: the training, the workouts, the game moments, the bonding moments between Hollis and Cannon as teammates. It made the atmosphere perfect.
Varsity Rulebreaker was a beautifully written fantastic YA mature sports romance with captivating strong characters, steamy scenes, teen angst, all the feels and so much girl power. A perfect home run! I loved every second of it and I'm sad to say goodbye to these characters. I would definitely keep reading more and more in Ginger Scott's Varsity world. I highly recommend this series, definitely one of my top favorite series of 2020.

October 7, 2020Report this review