Average rating3.8
I'd never heard of this book until last week and, lo, the bookstore had a ton of copies of this newer edition sitting everywhere, like they got overstocked and where trying to get rid of it. It's hard for me to believe that such an incredible novel that is so relevant to my interests, and is nearly as old as I am, could have gone so unknown to me until mere chance intervened.
This book is a wonderful urban fantasy that can be even more appreciated by music lovers. It's multi-leveled and has great dialogue and character interactions that have you entranced from cover to cover. One reading has set it in my favourites pile.
It was originally published for teens but I feel it's more adult, not in context but in writing. It's very mature and just very well written. This is not for typical lovers of the S. Meyer brand of romance fantasy but a more developed reader.
This book has been on my to-read list for a while, and I'm glad I finally sat down to read it. It is billed as one of the foundational books for urban fantasy, so while the tropes in it might seem a little tired now, I think that's only because so many people have copied it. Overall, I enjoyed the story and characters as a popcorn-filled adventure of Fey rock and roll. Personally, I was delighted and overjoyed that it was set in Minneapolis, and all of the local references made me love it more than if it were set in a more standard city. It's incredibly amusing to me that the kingdoms of Faerie would fight over Como Park territory.
It's maybe a little simple in places, but that isn't always a bad thing. If you like hardcore fey and eighties rock music, I think you will be similarly delighted by this book.
I had not heard of the “urban fantasy” genre before reading this, but I really enjoyed it. I was very entertained and found myself laughing often at the clever scenes with faerie an human. I considered giving this 4 stars, but I was a little disappointed with how the story concluded in regards to (#1) some of the final acts taken by Eddi's counterpart, Stuart. I mean really, who brings a gun to a faerie fight? and (#2) there was a reasonable amount said by the Phouka about Eddi's future within faerie... and.. then... nothing... Maybe there's another book where this happens, but there should have been something more to it in this one. I though the conclusion was somewhat abrupt, that I deserved a better ending, and the author had demonstrated they were capable of providing one. I think I will try an read more of this genre, and something else from this author.
This is a beautifully written book that is both poetical and fantastical. liked the mix of music and magic. All the characters are well defined, and I especially liked Eddi, Willy and the phouka.
This is the second time reading it. It stirs up the same feelings in me as it did before. I can honestly say it makes me feel incredibly alone in this world. The deep loyal feelings everyone has for eachother are so.. touching.
This book has given me tears/shivers in some of the exciting bits, and gets me very depressed in the sad bits.
Very enjoyable book.
Alright. So maybe I was a little overzealous in my praise before.
Still, I really enjoyed this, it was a lot of fun! The romance subplot and the ‘big' final conflict were a bit too much like tired and trope-ridden fan fiction for my taste, but in the end I still found Eddi a charming and relatable character. And I stand by my praise of Bull's style of weaving the mundane with the magical, and her MN setting was a nice change of place, and fleshed out with the details only a loving community member and provide.