2017 • 366 pages


Average rating3.7


*Disclaimer - I generally don't like YA books, so take that into account with this review.

I didn't like this book. I think the best parts were the bits where the VR sport was being played, which were fun sometimes. I am a pretty big fan of sci-fi, although I wasn't able to enjoy most of this since, one reason being that I didn't like the plot. I also usually don't enjoy the romance genre, so I didn't have much fun reading those bits.. I would not recommend this book unless you are a fan of YA novels, since although I didn't really enjoy the book, I can see people liking it. Also, It may just be me, but I believe the new form of law enforcement the 'twist villain' (Hideo Tanaka) presents is actually a decent idea, although somebody else should probably head the operation. One major flaw in this being that Hideo assumes everybody will use the VR headsets. What about people who don't like technology, what about people who own a different brand of VR headset, what about people who don't have enough to buy it, etc. Hideo actually attempts to resolve the last question, though again idiotically assumes that everybody in poverty will be able to have these free VR headsets, which even if they somehow do, the losses for his company will be substantial. Imagine owning a business & making a countless amount of items, just to give them out for free. How much money does Hideo have to be able to afford this? Also, even if everything works out with distributing these products, I wonder if Hideo or somebody else who can gain access to this system can/will make it so that people act even more barbaric than usual. And one more thing, if this method to enforce law is made very well, it will probably still be only in certain areas, like cities.