Welcome to the dark house

Welcome to the dark house


Average rating3.5


It was a quick read for me, it was fun and suitably creepy, but it wasn't anything special. I liked some of the characters backstories and how the author described the trauma they went through, but the personalities of the characters were pretty superficial and there's so many that we don't really get to know every single one. It reads like a horror movie, a lot of setting up the scene and characters, and then climaxing to a big finale with all the true scares finally being introduced at the end. I didn't love the ending as it left too much unsaid, and left you feeling like you have to read the sequel if you want to truly understand everything going on in this book. But still, I would recommend it if you want an entertaining scary story that's similar to a horror movie but that doesn't have too much depth to it.

April 9, 2021Report this review