Average rating3.5
This is the kind of romance novel that would greatly benefit from alternating POV.
Though, did anyone watch Queer as Folk? This plot seems maddeningly familiar.
I appreciate that the author stayed true to the characters, and their back stories.
Leo pined so hard for Will who said Time and time again he didn't want monogamous relationship. But Leo held out so much hope and expectations for him to change his mind.
I appreciate that Will kind of stuck to his truth about it while compromising in the end.
I think this was a HFN ending which is ok for both characters
This is a rating I struggled with. There are parts I liked and yet those same parts drove me crazy at the same time. It felt like everything was a contradiction.
Will is a walking contradiction– he's beautiful, knows it, and hates that people stare at him and act differently around him, and yet he uses that power and doesn't try to dress down or try not looking good for a break. He doesn't believe he could ever love someone, yet how he acts about his nephew and niece show he can love and because of his childhood should do SOMETHING for them! He drove me bonkers!
And yet I really liked reading this book???