Riches to rags. ... Some things stay buried. ... Some things don’t, ... and it’s chaos once again! Spending time with Mack is always fun, but, when Doreen overhears a conversation that sounds like a murder confession, he disagrees, … until a body shows up. Then he’s suddenly a whole lot more interested. The deceased young man had planned to attend the local college and had hoped to rekindle a relationship with an ex-girlfriend. Corporal Mack Moreau knows he can keep Doreen out of this current case, but, when the young man’s grandmother calls and says it could be related to the unexplained disappearance of the young man’s parents, … then all bets are off. Doreen and her entourage are smack in the middle again. When the case suddenly ties to her neighbor, Richard, it comes home in a big way.
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