Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt
Average rating2.7
Simple, RPG-based, fun, it wasn't the greatest thing I read this year, but I did enjoy it. Don't know if I'd read the whole series, but I'd like to know if the elf gets released from her curse...
DNF - 20%
Thankfully enough, it was free, because with little morsels like the following, I just couldn't continue.
We passed the first signs of human habitation just after dawn, when the summer moon still hugged the horizon like a plum resting at the edge of a giant basket.
My problems: 1: First person narrative is never a place I've wanted to see purple prose. 2: Who comes up with a simile like that on the fly? 3: Then it wouldn't be ‘hugging' would it? It'd be ‘balancing'.
Even if I wanted I couldn't voice an opinion, so while they argued I ventured down the path.
My problems: 1: Causing the main character (male? female? no clue.) to be unable to communicate without a splitting headache effectively takes away any agency. 2: She (it just sounds like a ‘she') lives too much inside her head and is nothing more than an observer instead of a participator. 3: I'd rather hear how they came to the end of the argument than be stuck with just her thoughts. 4: This is the perfect example of making your main character ‘above it all' which is a personality type that never works for me.
Potential. Loved the idea. Didn't like the execution.