Average rating3.9
As usual its an above standard Reacher novel, I've yet to read a duff one (some are a bit more average).
As someone else has noted it is quite odd that Jack refers to his watch constantly in this book yet in previous novels he just knows what time time it is from his internal clock. Doesn't detract from the book though.
I've got to get past the one thats being currently filmed so the whole Reacher series isn't ruined for me by Tom Cruise.
Taught thriller, starts off strong and snowballs into an adrenaline-filled blast. Pure popcorn fun.
After taking a book off from it, Child develops Reacher's character a bit by bringing him into contact with people who knew his brother before he killed. Which is nice and commendable, but it's not his strong suit.
Most of the time, he does what he does best: he puts a target in front of Reacher, gives Reacher juuuuust enough info to keep stumbling from one clue to the next, getting closer and closer to his prey. And when he tracks his prey down things really start going Reacher's way.
Another fantastic entry in one of my favorite series ever written.
We get (a little bit) more of Reacher's back story and a super exciting and mysterious plot revealed in a masterful way. I was on the edge of my seat for 90% of this book and if I didn't have an adult's responsibilities, I would've read this whole thing within 24 hours.
The book also delivered in terms of tough emotional moments and humanised our rather stoic main character slightly more.
Probably my favorite book of this series so far (I say this about every book of this series).
Dopo gli sfolgoranti primi libri dell'autore Lee Child che ha creato il personaggio di Jack Reacher (un ex ufficiale della polizia militare statunitense, un vero duro), l'effetto fiume della sua vena creativa in piena si era via via prosciugato fino ad arrivare a essere un misero torrentello.
Non dico che in questo libro c'è proprio un ritorno al vecchio e apprezzato stile con le mirabolanti trovate precedenti, ma possiamo rispolverare il personaggio per ridagli quella patina di lucentezza che era andata ossidata nel tempo. Beninteso siamo lontani dai fasti di “Zona Pericolosa” o “Destinazione Inferno”, ma a differenza delle ultime storie, questa si fa leggere abbastanza scorrevolmente a parte qualche passaggio noioso; la storia è complessa quel tanto che basta per non annoiare giusto ed i personaggi ben descritti.
Quello che manca davvero, secondo me, è il vero Jack Reacher, il suo umorismo caustico (che riappare in un piccolo episodio), le sue azioni dirompenti... che stia invecchiando pure lui? Dobbiamo etichettarlo come un “missing in action”?
Ora passerò al successivo “Vittima Designata” per vedere se stiamo risalendo la china.
Consigliato ai fan di Jack... e basta.