Average rating3.6
I'm admittedly not a fan of the big ongoing crossover that modern Marvel comics has become, so there's probably a lot of backstory I'm missing out on, but this was a fun GN equivalent of a blockbuster summer popcorn movie.
The story starts off with a Hulk who's been banished from Earth by the “Illuminati”, sent to die on a barbarian world. Instead, because he's the Hulk, he becomes king of this barbarian world, and leads its horde back to Earth to SMASH, as SMASHing is what Hulks do best. Hulk has been lead to believe that the “heroes” that sent him away also killed millions in his new kingdom, so he has righteous anger and furious vengeance on his side, as well.
That's around 90% of the plot here. Hulk shows up, beats the crap out of Black Bolt, Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and Mr. Fantastic, completely destroying New York in the process. Then, in a completely unsatisfying deus ex machine ending, he finds out that the murders he blamed the humans for were actually committed by one of his own, kills that guy, and gets taken into SHIELD custody. The ending really ruins this one - it seems tacked on in an attempt to not completely assassinate the characters of some of the most central Marvel characters, retconning itself while the book is still in progress.