Cover 8

Year of No Sugar

Year of No Sugar: A Memoir

Okay, it's a interesting premise - how does one family go about removing added fructose (sugar) from their diet? Well, having an at home mom to do a lot of home cooking certainly helps. Also dextrose. There was a little pearl-clutching around the traditionally sugar heavy holidays (Halloween! Christmas! why do we give children so much sugar?!?!?!) but as Schaub notes, your taste buds really do adjust to low-sugar life pretty easily and as an adult the sugar-rush of a full-sugar whatever can be debilitating (sweet tooth me often comes to this conclusion when I overindulge on certain things.)

It might not be a helpful path for those of us who are inescapably entwined with modern N American food culture/industry, but once you see it you can never unsee it. You can celebrate stuff without sugar overload I swear!

August 10, 2020