Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself
Average rating3.8
Basically just a bunch of blog posts turned into a blog - nothing original (other than the eponymous “You Are Not So Smart” tag lines sprinkled throughout... which add nothing). Go read Kahneman, Ariely, or any other more in-depth book if you want anything deeper than a blog post's perspective on behavioral science or cognitive biases. But if you like snarky comments and have no idea what behavioral economics is... go for it.
Great read (listen)! Heck, I'm sure I'll do it again! I found it absolutely fascinating, but then I find stuff about how about brains work (or don't work) intriguing.
If there was a book about stereotypes for how the brain works this would be it. In most cases though, the stereotypes are true unless you're actively aware of the decisions you're making. This book elaborates on the decisions we make without knowing it. For most of them I was nodding along thinking “yeah, that's true, I knew that was a bias I held”, which left it mostly skin deep for me.
This book felt like an endless streak of slap in the face of every bias one might have. I think I might have checked all of them, even the one I didn't think I had. This book does a really good job in explaining our common bias by providing solid links to scientifics studies and real life examples that we can all relate too. It's a great read if you want to learn more about your behavior or why you act the way you act.
An interesting read that I found myself mostly agreeing with. There were a few places where I felt the author came to a particular conclusion because it fit the narrative better than other alternatives. This book is well worth reading.
I'll make you feel small and dumb, but I really enjoyed this book. It's interesting how easily we can be influenced and primed to believe whatever someone wants us to believe. It's an interesting and quick read!
If there was a book about stereotypes for how the brain works this would be it. In most cases though, the stereotypes are true unless you're actively aware of the decisions you're making. This book elaborates on the decisions we make without knowing it. For most of them I was nodding along thinking “yeah, that's true, I knew that was a bias I held”, which left it mostly skin deep for me.
Far better than [b:The Art of Thinking Clearly 16248196 The Art of Thinking Clearly Rolf Dobelli https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1364848267s/16248196.jpg 18183653]!