You Can Fix Your Brain: Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You've Ever Had

You Can Fix Your Brain

Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You've Ever Had


I have a lot of time for the general idea that books of this sort tend to emphasise. The current healthcare system is a model based on specialisation, which, although it has advantages, needs to look at things from a more interconnected perspective. For example, 50% of patients with immune disease have abnormal neurological biomarkers, seemingly ignored and not part of any of the guidelines on treatment. Or, for example, how this model neglects individuals with mult-systemic disorders, which results in them flitting from one specialist consultant to another, each focusing on a specific symptom, with none of them tying them all together. However, he lost me when he started talking about physics. The area of functional medicine already has to stave off accusations of “woo-woo” ism and pseudo-science, so it is particularly disappointing when otherwise credible authors set themselves up all too easily for these allegations.

Also, a lot of the supplement suggestions aren't helpful.
E.g., “vitamin d deficiency is assocaited with X number of conditions”. Yes, that is in individuals who are DEFICIENT in vitamin D., But it doesn't explain at the mechanistic level how vitamin D supplementation can and will help. It's essential to explain the mechanism of how and why something works so that it is tailored for each individual rather than blindly slinging mud at the wall to see what sticks.

May 13, 2023