Average rating4.1
It's... not bad. In my opinion, it's average at best.
I found this in my local library and checked it out because I didn't know that my friend from Maine, that I always see at our fair had a new book out.
I keep giving his “newer” books a chance and each time... I'm left with disappointed or wondering if his son is ghost writing for him. In my opinion, something happened in 2010/2011 that his books/writing just felt off.
Anyway... I'm rambling.
I checked it out and noticed this is a book filled with short stories. Which I do tend to enjoy. The quality of each one is not the same. I... I'm sad to admit that a lot of this is forgettable. And the ones that I can remember like the answer man are just... Okay.
This is one of Stephen King's best in several years. They don't all work, but the majority are good to great and reminded me of classic SK. Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream was the highlight and had me not wanting to put the book down - something that hasn't happened in a long while. The Dreamers was a fun, creepy, Lovecraft style tale. The Answer Man has a great start and ending but felt muddled as it worked its way through the middle. Overall, highly recommended if you've ever enjoyed Stephen King.
Really enjoyed this book! The longer stories are definitely the highlights here though.
Two Talented Bastids
The Fifth Step
Willie the Weirdo
Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream
On Slide Inn Road
Red Screen
The Turbulence Expert
The Dreamers
The Answer Man
a delightful variety of styles, characters, and king twists.
HOWEVER - a huge content warning for people who do not do well with little-kids-dying-in-horrible-ways-that-are-described-in-great-detail … skip rattlesnake road.