Average rating3.6
It was a challenge not to stay up all night finishing this book - I guessed some plot points fairly early on, but Abbott's writing is so compelling I wanted to keep reading to see whether I was right and how things played out. I had a hard time getting into Dare Me, but this was amazing and strangely frightening.
Domesticity entangled with the banality of evil. Which is more important, the greater good of the group, or the ethical right? The mores of rich suburbia or justice? Protecting a minor or protecting an even younger minor? When the story starts, you as the reader don't even realize there is a spider's web; by the end, everyone's ensnared...and poisoned by the spider. But you're left pondering who the real spider is.
I am surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. I knew nothing about competitive gymnastics and it was fascinating to read. This was my first book by this author and I loved her narrative style and how she describes everything. It's unusual and compelling. I did not know where this mystery was going but I thoroughly enjoyed the ride and the outcome.
Gymnastics families protect(and don't protect) their own.
Gillian Flynn-inflected suburban thriller, tore through it.
God, I'd forgotten how good Megan Abbott is. She can create suspense and dread that make you feel sick to your stomach. 5 stars.