Cover 4

Your Fierce Love



Average rating5


Layla Hagen has quickly become one of my automatic one-click authors. She writes with such emotion and passion, I can't help but get lost in the story. The Bennett Family series has captured my heart; the characters are so well written that even the smallest of parts can endear themselves to you. That is what happened with Blake Bennett, I kept seeing little snippets of him in the other books and I wanted more. I wanted to see his grovelling techniques in action, I wanted to know what type of caveman he would be, and yeah, ok, I wanted to know about his bedroom antics too. Your Fierce Love did not disappoint. Blake and Clara's story is sweet and sexy and everything I could have hoped for and more. I don't think I've highlighted a book as much I as I highlighted all the sweet Blake moments, I was swooning left, right and centre. Clara was the perfect match for Blake, she was strong and independent and kept him on his toes while trying not to fall head over heels for him. I loved that she was a part of the family and protected them, the situation with her boss had me biting my nails hoping certain things didn't play out.... they didn't, thank heavens. I loved the twist towards the end and thought it was the perfect HEA for them.

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August 11, 2017Report this review