11 books in series

Doonesbury Annuals

Doonesbury Annuals is a 11-book series with 11 primary works first released in 1971 with contributions by G.B. Trudeau.

Still a Few Bugs in the System

1972 • 1 Reader • 120 pages 4

The President is a Lot Smarter Than You Think

1971 • 1 Reader • 128 pages 3

Call Me When You Find America

1973 • 1 Reader • 128 pages 3

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!

1974 • 1 Reader • 124 pages 3

"What Do We Have for the Witnesses, Johnnie?"

1975 • 1 Reader • 128 pages 3

Dare to Be Great, Ms. Caucus

1975 • 1 Reader • 132 pages 3

"Any Grooming Hints for Your Fans, Rollie?"

1978 • 1 Reader • 128 pages 3

Doonesbury: But the Pension Fund Was Just Sitting There

1979 • 1 Reader • 128 pages 3

Doonesbury: He's Never Heard of You, Either

1976 • 1 Reader • 132 pages 3

Doonesbury: You're Smokin' Now, Mr Butts!

1990 • 1 Reader • 96 pages 2

Washed out bridges and other disasters

1994 • 1 Reader • 96 pages