11 books in series

Little House

Little House is a 11-book series with 10 primary works first released in 1932 with contributions by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Little House in the Big Woods

1932 • 154 Readers • 194 pages 3.8

Farmer Boy

1933 • 48 Readers • 372 pages 3.9

Little House on the Prairie

1935 • 132 Readers • 314 pages 3.9

On the Banks of Plum Creek

1937 • 51 Readers • 339 pages 3.9

By the Shores of Silver Lake

1939 • 47 Readers • 290 pages 3.6

The Long Winter

1940 • 56 Readers • 368 pages 3.8

Little Town on the Prairie

1941 • 47 Readers • 307 pages 3.8

These Happy Golden Years

1943 • 42 Readers • 7 pages 3.7

The First Four Years

1971 • 37 Readers • 160 pages 3.2

On the Way Home

1962 • 5 Readers • 120 pages 5