How often have I thought of this story so far, I cannot tell.I'm adding it to my goodreads account because I don't see it as merely a manga, and I believe nor should you, if you are planning to enter this mesmerizing philosophical journey.P.S.: [b:NOiSE 624693 NOiSE Tsutomu Nihei 611052] is a short prequel to this story.
Read from: [b:AMAZING STORIES JANUARY 1939 162559409 AMAZING STORIES JANUARY 1939 Eando; Wellman Binder 173907423]An impressive emotional story.I'd like to take a moment and appreciate Mary Shelley who was the inspiration to all man-written-robotic-stories.I am blessed (and sad).R.I.P. Mary ShelleyR.I.P. Earl and Otto Binder
Asimov told me to read it; in the introduction of “The complete robot”.[b:Astounding Science Fiction December 1938 55002311 Astounding Science Fiction December 1938 John W. Campbell Jr. 85784175]I'm truly astounded by this imagination! The influence of Mary Shelley is seen all over! (+ The movie Bride of Frankenstein was also made in 1935.)2024 and we're still not there!
Ironisch, dass Chatgpt mir dieses Buch als die erste aufgezeichnete Geschichte über “Automaten” vorgestellt hat...At first, I disliked the story; mixing supernatural and trauma and technology together. The text structure was confusing, and the English translation didn't help much, so, I read reviews and essays to see if I quite comprehended the story. This article was very helpful.Before I could write down what I thought, I had to sleep on it. (And no, I didn't think of any sandman at my bed before going to sleep. I was mentally exhausted.)I'm not over this. I don't think I ever will. It scared the shit out of me. Luckily, I didn't know this story as a kid. I would have definitely ended up like Nathanael!UGH I am sick of incestuous relationships! Nathanael and Clara were raised in the same house and then engaged... Will this ever end?!If we ignore that part, although some reviews say that Clara represents “logic”, to me, in 2024, she does not. She thinks Nathanael's fears will go away if he tries to forget them and never talks about them. I don't think she's a good partner. On the other hand, we see how happy Nathanael is when Olimpia does not talk and does not disagree with him!!! Nathanael is not a good partner either! Everyone wants to be the conversation hog!What I concluded is:The sandman is real. He owns the eyes of children and their dreams at night. He's probably greedy. So, he works with the professor to gain access to adults' eyes through lenses he sells in broad daylight!!! If he owns all people's eyes, he owns their reality!!! People like Nathanael with unresolved trauma just fit the profile of a good victim. The sandman handpicked Nathanael because he knew that Nathanael can't think right; Nathanael's apartment went on fire and then his new apartment and new room view was exactly Olimpia's room!! raising browsOthers don't buy Coppelius' lenses aka perspectives (very wise choice of word!), and so, they are not deceived by Olimpia. More importantly, after the professor is exposed, people start to test each other, to see if their companions are real! This paragraph hit me right in the face! People get paranoid!People like Mark Zuckerberg are the sandman(/men!) of our time! But do you think we, who have not bought Meta Quest, are safe?! Media is another tool that the sandman uses! They choose what we see. They have us. Our fears only escalate with time!Hoffmann never explained what is real and what is not, letting us all ruminate about it even after 200 years. Well, I chose to believe he was real.ANDMary Shelley's Frankenstein and Hoffmann's Der Sandmann were written in the same period!!!!!!!!!????!!!???!I wanna know soooo baddddddd what they thought of each other's stories! cry in vainShould I mention that Hoffmann published [b:Nutcracker 774449 Nutcracker E.T.A. Hoffmann 2221897] in the same year as the sandman??? I just did. You're welcome.
Finally found this book after 13 years :))))) Loved it!
From trompe l'oeil to AI generated images and videos, I honestly don't know what I can believe!
P.S.: I miss how easy A2 English was :))))
A locomotive man in the wild wild west, now, isn't this a pure steampunk story!?! Considering the time it was written, it's so cool! I mean Benz was about the same time but in Germany! The idea is unique and the adventures would show how life was back then. Liked it a lot.
The text was quite hard to read, so, listening to the audiobook by LibriVox with the right accent and tone was quite a blessing, also, it reminded me of the English courses, felt nostalgic.
The fourth story of this list.
Well done sir. rip.
Pedophilia is a crime.Do not mix it with art!Seek help!
I don't give a fuck that people call this shit a “well-written” and “rich literature” story and rate it 4-5 stars. They are fucked in mind and have to seek help.
Well, well, well, what do we have here? :)
Very pleased to get to read this book, thanks to Wes Anderson!
I wish I was familiar with Roald Dahl when I was a kid. I find all stories in this book fascinating. Even I found many new subtle things from them, let alone the kids!
- “The Swan” hit me. I never thought he would have written such a heavy story. Every kid needs to know this story before going to school!
In the short movie The Swan by Wes Anderson, the adult version of the poor kid narrates the story, which shows how traumatizing getting bullied is!
- The kid who talked to animals and The wonderful story of Henry Sugar stories point out respecting and protecting animals + social classes. The sooner children learn these topics, the better, otherwise they will learn it the hard way, when they are already in the society and have no idea how to put up with that! (like me)
An my god! How extraordinary his own life was! And what an amazing first story he had written! A piece of cake! He was born to do this!
Edit to say: Do you have doubts to start this book? If you don't care about spoilers, you can read my short review first:
The story is well written, but as a person with limited friend circle (read 2) and poor communication skills I am offended that this book considers my life worthless and tries to say whoever being well-known and liked by the majority has a worthier life! And the author tries to cover this scam by a romance story!
Isn't this familiar to you?!
1) Black Mirror, Season 3, Episode 1: If you are liked by more people, you'll be able to communicate with high class ones, you'll be richer and can buy a house or a car and etc. so you are worthy.
2) Every natural beautiful Gen Z has a TikTok account and is loved by the majority for something (their face) they didn't even create THEMSELVES while LIP-SYNCING a song they haven't even written nor composed. They would still get richer than they are now if they sell their lifetime!!
Even if I had read this book before not-counted-as-talent Gen Z things becomes popular, I still wouldn't have liked this book. Nobody is allowed to judge how worthy my life is. I am the only person in charge who can achieve my goals and be happy.
So, NO.
Pedophilia is a crime.Do not mix it with art!Seek help!
I bought this book when I was a teen just because of the word Venice. I didn't pass the prologue for how boring it was and so the book stayed on the shelf because I thought I would have more patience for it when I grow up.
Years later, I learned about Björn Andrésen, the poor young boy who played in the 1971 adaptation of the book.
If you don't know him yet, watch this very important documentary film:
The most beautiful boy in the world (2021).
Look, if the story had shown that pedophilia is bad and the main character would have been punished for such mentality, I would have been okay with it.
BUT NO. The writer tries to deceit himself and us by glorifying it and painting it as art and literature! Just like Lolita!
Pedophilia is pedophilia!
There is no such a stupid separation between fiction and reality when it comes to fancying children!!
And just look how the so-called fiction has RUINED a REAL person's life in our very own REALITY!
People who have rated this book 4-5 stars and claim how rich the book is in literature are fucked in mind and have to seek help.
This is the only piece I fell in love with in the whole universe of literature and I'd read it once in a while, along listening to “The Raven” by Alan Parsons ❤️
“The fall of the house of Usher” series is also added to my favorites.
Spoiler WarningIf you were confused like me by Victor's characteristics and his dummy behaviors through his pov story, I recommend you read about Mary Shelley's parents, her personal life and the shitty society she was living in. You could also watch the movie Mary Shelley (2017) which shows a great deal of what I mentioned.This was my first read.Unfortunately, I was deceived by the media and the very bad but famous picture in 1935 which I now must say fortunately always refused to watch.I have not read [b:Paradise Lost 15997 Paradise Lost John Milton 1031493] because of its heavy text and language. But I know its summary + the story of Prometheus.I must say I am glad that I got to read Mary's masterpiece with open eyes.The character Victor Frankenstein represents typical men around Mary: some of them intelligent, yet most of them ignorant and narcissistic. They gaslit her (+ all women), underestimated her, belittled her, and even accused her of stealing the story just because she was a “teenage” AND a “girl” AND her husband was the great poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley! They forced her to publish the story ANONYMOUSLY! Five years later her name appeared in the second edition, and she was recognized for it.I'd also reckon a great influence of Elizabeth (I) and her mother Anne Boleyn on Mary's inspiration and the concepts of creation, love, and abandonment.It aches my heart that her real-life miseries have not actually been solved through the last 206 years; humans still have toxic societies under theocracy and patriarchy, with many men who hate women and underestimate them more than ever, counting “feminism” as a curse word. I feel ashamed of all men in history who have systematically erased women's names and contributions by gaslighting, dismissing and overlooking them and their works. It makes me nauseous to think of all those great women's works being signed under the name of a man by force! Henrietta Swan Leavitt is only one of them!I can see how men loved her book and still do and would probably cum every 2-3 pages, but they are still too jealous, too ignorant, and too arrogant to admit it publicly. They have tried, many many many times, to shove their unoriginal ideas and bad stories into the great gothic world she created. It's March 2, 2024, and there is still NO direct and complete movie adaptation of Frankenstein!Enough said.Mary takes the reader to various real places and describes families and society differences in detail (yes, I love realistic details). Even when the reader does not necessarily travel to an Arab country, Mary shows the true face of Islam through Safie's life so well that I could only nod YESSSSSSS! in awe. (The quote does not exist in the quote pages of GoodReads, so I added it myself, to the top of my list. I read that page several times and admired her knowledge only more, the knowledge many women in 2024 still do not have. This book can wake up many people. Well, if they are willing to wake up!I must mention some of my comments while reading the book:Considering the 17th century in the story, it makes me sick to see how social conventions have constantly changed for the worse. Back then, male friendship wasn't a big deal. In 2024, guys can't express their simple feelings because they're instantly pointed out as “gay” by their very own male friend! But look how openly Victor and Henry speak their mind and feelings. No need to remind that words like “gay” and “intercourse”, which were repeatedly used in the book, have also lost their positive meaning and turned into curses!P.S.: I wish I knew which Persian poems were Henry's favorites. And which were Mary's favorites...The different narrators and POVs make the characters more sensible and it's not like the writer is either preaching or promoting ideas. She's just showing us inside of the characters. I despised the recurring word “monster” from Victor's goddamned mouth. I call him Adam like he himself claimed, which is a fact, and not his personal opinion!!First when Victor was telling his story + how Walton described Victor's appearance, I seriously thought Adam was evil, and wanted to know so badly what the hell he had done that made Victor like this... BUT NO NO NO BABY! The plot twist is right here. Victor believes he's the victim!!!!! MY MY! He has had the best childhood any child could ever have: literally zero problems. He'd never had to ask for all the good things he had in life. He was free to do whatever he wanted, which unfortunately, led him to become a self-centered crybaby. Adam speaks of his intentions and next victim(s) so obvious that a retard could understand but not Victor. He was passionate and motivated in his major, but he was narrow-minded. He never had any responsibility and so never learnt what “consequence” means. Even after all his miseries, even on his deathbed, he did not realize it was all his own fault:Victor obviously represents gods every religion has [pointing to Paradise Lost]. All of them created (an) Adam and sent him off to live without teaching him properly. And after they committed the so-called “sin”, god banished him. Both religious gods and Victor abandon their creature, more importantly their child. A perfect god would never do such horrible things to his creature and expect them not to turn into evil. Additionally, how dare god/Victor blame Adam for the sins he'd done when god/Victor condemned him and left him on his own?! This is too unholy and irresponsible of a good god!!!! (That's just one of the many reasons I believe all religions are man-made.)Children are innocent and have no idea what's going on. It's adults' responsibility to take care of them and educate them. This is the very first rule of parenting, something Victor refused to do even though his father was bright and wealthy to provide for him and some other kids, and his mother took good care of him, two things most kids his age did not have. Take Henry, his friend, whose father did not let to go to Inglostadt to study further! And later in the story, we see how hard Adam tried to educate himself, fortunately and sadly, by reading Paradise Lost.Another thing that bothers me is how Adam's appearance still counts as “hideous” in our time. He says he can only be happy if he had a female companion. And we, in 2024, can confirm that because we've seen this coming true in Shrek. I'm serious. No sarcasm. We are still judging people based on their appearance. If someone does not fit our standards, we refuse to talk to them. I say we, because now I am also including myself.Coming to Paul Cantor's essay: It was boring, and I do not agree with most of what he said.The one thing that I agree with and very much bothered me was Victor and Elizabeth's relationship which I still cannot process. When Henry was introduced, my ultimate guess was Henry and Elizabeth getting married at some point and I had no problem with that BUT “Victor and Elizabeth” ship is beyond me: too “incest”. No other way. End of line.Now, regarding AI, humans have taken the path Victor took. I guess you only learn from the best! which is god himself!!!!But I do believe that we must break the cycle of generational irresponsibility. I would like to refer to [b:Point of View 28182378 Point of View Isaac Asimov 48202954] by Isaac Asimov to clarify that matter,and to [b:I, Robot 30525004 I, Robot (Adam Link, #0.1) Eando Binder 51047598] another great story for what could have happened if Victor had not panicked.If we want our societies to improve, we need to start with ourselves, put the irrational biases and prejudices behind, and be better parents, and so, better humans.Looking back, I was captivated the whole time reading the book. The dark atmosphere was shivering! Just getting to know that Mary was a pioneer in forming the gothic genre by writing Frankenstein blew me away.She is the mother.She is the creator.She is immortal.