Ali Ismail

Theory Of Government


The Concept of the Political

#1 of 2 in Der Begriff des Politischen

1927 • 26 Readers • 158 pages 3.7


The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism

1988 • 16 Readers • 194 pages 4


On Tyranny

1963 • 2 Readers • 358 pages


The social contract, and, Discourses

1762 • 3 Readers • 362 pages


Second Treatise of Government

1689 • 44 Readers • 124 pages 3.6


Two Treatises of Government

Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought

1689 • 42 Readers • 336 pages 3.8


The Road to Serfdom

2013 • 100 Readers • 83 pages 4.2


Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

1755 • 30 Readers • 112 pages 3.9


Rights of Man

1791 • 20 Readers • 229 pages 3.8


Theory of International Politics

1979 • 6 Readers • 250 pages 3


A History of Fascism, 1914–1945

1996 • 2 Readers • 632 pages


The Ecology Of Freedom

1982 • 15 Readers • 480 pages


The Dictator's Handbook

2011 • 109 Readers • 321 pages 4.2