August 10, 2017
January 11, 2017

Review to come

May 14, 2017
February 1, 2020
October 16, 2018
October 11, 2018
October 16, 2017
April 10, 2012

DNF. The characters are soooo predictable and cookie cutter “ rich cocky spy” because they're the top of their game, but they get too caught up in their own dark lasts and it makes them shallow and boring. This story is so tropy it's impossible to finish.

July 24, 2017

So I actually finished this book forever ago. It really just... fine I'll say it. It was boring. And predictable. And the first few chapters were awesome, and then after the whole lab destruction scene, it just felt like an episode of TWD.

December 21, 2016
November 21, 2017
April 5, 2018
July 24, 2017

This book was fun, something I wish I had read when I was younger I would have loved it. But it's the kind of story I personally feel like I've outgrown. I probably won't read the other ones due to the fact I wasn't invested in the characters or the plot.

April 1, 2018
March 5, 2017
December 21, 2016

After months I'm finally marking this as DNF. It's too boring and bland and ugh. I just can't.

November 9, 2017

I'm not going to yuck someone's yum I can't see the appeal but please skip this book. This book is just poorly written and bland... and fucking boring.... There are other books that should take up your time that are sexier and actually well written.

September 30, 2023
September 24, 2023