#11 of 12 in Cradle
1 The Cosmere
#1 of 8 in Dune
#10 of 12 in Cradle
#1 of 1 in The Once and Future King
#9 of 12 in Cradle
#8 of 12 in Cradle
#7 of 12 in Cradle
#1 of 1 in Neon Ghosts
#2 of 3 in The Last Horizon
#3.5 of 10 in The Stormlight Archive
#1 of 3 in Elantris
#1 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy
#3 of 10 in The Stormlight Archive
#6 of 12 in Cradle
#2 of 5 in Secret Projects
Ringdweller Series
#5 of 12 in Cradle
#1 of 2 in Teixcalaan
#5 of 9 in Hainish Cycle
#2.5 of 10 in The Stormlight Archive
#0.2 of 1 in Dead Djinn Universe
#1 of 1 in Dead Djinn Universe
#1 of 6 in Old Man's War
#0.1 of 1 in Dead Djinn Universe
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