24 Pern (Chronological Order)
#8 of 14 in The Wheel of Time
#1 of 12 in Sword of Truth
#2 of 12 in Sword of Truth
#3 of 12 in Sword of Truth
#4 of 12 in Sword of Truth
#2 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber
#3 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber
#5 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber
#6-10 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber
#7 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber
#9 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber
#10 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber
#1 of 7 in A Song of Ice and Fire
#1 of 3 in Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn
#1 of 5 in Spellsong Cycle
#2 of 5 in Spellsong Cycle
#1 of 29 in The Cat Who...
#2 of 29 in The Cat Who...
#3 of 29 in The Cat Who...
#4 of 29 in The Cat Who...
#1-2, 2.5 of 6 in Chronicles of the Cheysuli
#2 of 6 in Chronicles of the Cheysuli
#5 of 6 in Chronicles of the Cheysuli
#1 of 1 in Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' Stardust
#3 of 5 in Schwerttänzer-Zyklus
#5 of 7 in Tiger and Del
#5 of 12 in Sword of Truth
#5 of 18 in Enderverse: Publication Order
#22 of 41 in Discworld
#2 of 7 in A Song of Ice and Fire