January 18, 2025
January 1, 2025
December 20, 2024

This is a strong, bold, scary look at mental illness, isolation, indigenous culture, and the struggles of motherhood. Objectively, it is a very well written book.

Subjectively, this was not the book for me.

November 11, 2024

I, too, enjoyed the film BODIES BODIES BODIES. This is just that, but in a library.

October 13, 2024

I love Terry Pratchett and I love Macbeth, so this was a pretty obvious love for me 🙂

August 16, 2024

Contains spoilers

August 16, 2024

I spent 14 years in Catholic schools and studied Religion and Culture at university for 4 years. If I had to pick one book to explain western religion to someone who'd never heard of it, this is the book that I would use.

May 3, 2024

This was a delightful read, which really illustrates the strength of Pratchett's writing - his good-natured humour and joie de vivre really carry what would have been an otherwise average story.

January 30, 2024

Contains spoilers

January 15, 2024
July 11, 2007

Fables has told a lot of great stories since the series started, and of those Black Ops Secret Agent Cinderella is probably one of my favourites. This was a quick, fast-paced read that explored some as-yet undiscovered corners of the Fables world, while still telling a fun story along the way.

January 28, 2015

Read certain sections of this to help with a computers and job search course I'm teaching. I'm not a fan of the “for Dummies” style, in general, but there's a lot of good stuff here for people that are looking at how to use sites like twitter and linkedin for job-searching purposes.

February 14, 2013

I've started reading books to my son (he's due to be born in around six weeks). What better way to start than with a classic? If I'm planning on reading more Munsch, though, I need to work more on my voices.

September 29, 2009
June 9, 2010
June 19, 2012
November 7, 2017
January 30, 2017
July 22, 2007
September 7, 2012
January 1, 2012
April 8, 2011
July 1, 2015
November 8, 2016
June 4, 2018