November 23, 2020

Best wel confronterend. Je hebt eigenlijk geen idee wat er allemaal in Nederland gebeurd. Ik moet zeggen dat ik eigenlijk wel steeds meer parano??de werd gaandeweg ik verder kwam in het boek, ook al probeert de schrijver je zo af en toe gerust te stellen. Wel een aanrader!

December 15, 2020

It literally took me so long to finish this book. Somehow I expected a very spectacular ending. I was not impressed and pretty disappointed. The plot twists weren't too exciting in my opinion. Won't recommend.

September 27, 2021
September 3, 2022
January 15, 2023

I found the story mostly boring and confusing. Too many names and titles, barely any descriptions of systems and people.

September 29, 2022
August 5, 2022
January 25, 2023
October 27, 2020

My first Manga ever. I was confused by the panel order at first, but got used to it. I guess it's normal that the story has such an open ending? Idk. Maybe it's to keep you reading.

Really liked it. It was cute.


January 23, 2023

For me, the focus on the boyband romance isn't even the main thing. I am literally appalled at how the band members were treated on tour. It's made me more certain that being famous isn't everything. I could feel the mental pressure that each band member experienced.

Enjoyable read **

January 10, 2022

I'm sad I'm done reading.

I've really enjoyed this book. It's somewhere between the Martian (which is the best) and Artemis. The plot was very surprising to me and I liked the little plot twists here and there. I'd like to see this made into a movie!

July 16, 2021

I read the ebook for 70% before I finally was done with the extreme arrogance and entitlement of the writer. I just couldn't handle it anymore. She just keeps repeating how amazing she is, and how much she excels at everything. How dare a royal give her a signature? That was the last drop.

May 1, 2022

DNF. It was such a struggle to get to page 100 but after every reading session I still wasn't sure what I just read.



Went in with a different opinion than the one I had after reading. I am shocked by everything Prince Harry and Meghan had to endure. Of course, it???s only one side of the story. But shocking nonetheless.

January 24, 2023