
Older Fantasy

A Wizard of Earthsea

#1 of 6 in Earthsea Cycle

A Wizard of Earthsea
ByUrsula K. Le Guin

1968 • 1,478 Readers • 210 pages 3.9

Beren and Lúthien

Tales of Middle Earth

Beren and Lúthien
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

2017 • 114 Readers • 321 pages 3.9

Last finished on
Daughter of the Forest

#1 of 6 in Sevenwaters

Daughter of the Forest
ByJuliet Marillier

1999 • 250 Readers • 554 pages 4.3


#1 of 3 in Dragonriders of Pern

ByAnne McCaffrey

1968 • 33 Readers • 326 pages 3.6

Elric of Melniboné

#1 of 12 in The Elric Saga

Elric of Melniboné
ByMichael Moorcock

1972 • 313 Readers • 24h 12m 3.4

Howl's Moving Castle

#1 of 3 in Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle
ByDiana Wynne Jones

1986 • 1,265 Readers • 448 pages 4.2

Lord Foul's Bane

#1 of 3 in The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

Lord Foul's Bane
ByStephen R. Donaldson

1977 • 254 Readers • 369 pages 3.2

Magician: Apprentice

#1 of 4 in The Riftwar Saga

Magician: Apprentice
ByRaymond E. Feist

1982 • 598 Readers • 485 pages 4

Master of the Five Magics

27 Readers 3.3

Over Sea, Under Stone

#1 of 5 in The Dark Is Rising

Over Sea, Under Stone
BySusan Cooper

1965 • 158 Readers • 228 pages 3.7

Pawn of Prophecy

#1 of 5 in The Belgariad

Pawn of Prophecy
ByDavid Eddings

1982 • 437 Readers • 262 pages 3.8

Sorcerer's Son

#1 of 3 in The Book of Elementals

Sorcerer's Son
ByPhyllis Eisenstein

1979 • 5 Readers • 384 pages

The Black Company

#1 of 10 in The Chronicles of the Black Company

1984 • 161 Readers • 320 pages 3.7

The Book of Jhereg

#1 of 11 in Vlad Taltos

The Book of Jhereg
BySteven Brust

1983 • 37 Readers 3.6

The Children of Hurin

Tales of Middle Earth

The Children of Hurin
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

2001 • 313 Readers • 317 pages 3.9

Last finished on
The Colour of Magic

#1 of 41 in Discworld

The Colour of Magic
ByTerry Pratchett

1983 • 1,510 Readers • 292 pages 3.7

Last finished on
The Door into Fire

#1 of 4 in The Tale of the Five

The Door into Fire
ByDuane Diane

1979 • 15 Readers • 332 pages 4

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
ByPatricia A. McKillip

1974 • 107 Readers • 217 pages 4.1

The Great Book of Amber

#1 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber

1999 • 123 Readers • 1,268 pages 4

Added on
The Mists Of Avalon

The Mists Of Avalon
ByMarion Zimmer Bradley

445 Readers 3.9

The Riddle-Master of Hed

#1 of 3 in Riddle-Master

The Riddle-Master of Hed
ByPatricia A. McKillip,Patricia A. McPhillip

1976 • 112 Readers • 320 pages 3.8

The Summer Tree

#1 of 3 in The Fionavar Tapestry

The Summer Tree
ByGuy Gavriel Kay

1984 • 160 Readers • 353 pages 3.7

The Sword of Shannara

#10 of 33 in Shannara (Chronological Order)

The Sword of Shannara
ByTerry Brooks

1976 • 339 Readers • 670 pages 3.2


ByGuy Gavriel Kay

1990 • 504 Readers • 687 pages 4