809 Books
See allGot halfway through and gave up. It's not bad, it just didn't really grab me enough to keep going. I read enough to get the idea so I can watch it in TV now.
I received this book for free from Penguin's First to Read program. The plot sounded interesting and the book was pretty good for the first few chapters but then slowed to a snail's pace. I wanted to put it down then but kept going. I got through a little over half then gave up. It was just too slow and boring.
really great book. lots of old computer and arcade game and 80s pop culture references. combined with programming and virtual reality and there is no way I couldn't like this book. highly recommended to other geeks and people that grew up in the 80s
I gave up on it. I really wanted to like this but it just didn't pull me in. Felt like a medieval soap opera. I got maybe halfway? through.