read maybe 1/3 of it. Just didn't grab me enough to finish


Stopped at chapter 20. Just got bored with the series


really great book. lots of old computer and arcade game and 80s pop culture references. combined with programming and virtual reality and there is no way I couldn't like this book. highly recommended to other geeks and people that grew up in the 80s

January 6, 2014

Excellent book. Within a chapter or two I was hooked. I just finished it at 2am and am now writing this review. Can't wait for future tales of Jorg!


Good book


June 4, 2011

read over half, maybe more, and I just wasn't into it enough to finish.


Interesting ideas, but it's a slog

May 27, 2023

3.5. Started out good, then sit halfway through sent it track.

February 18, 2024–-pathfinder-by-orson-scott-card/

July 21, 2011

finished in one day on vacation. great sequel to the maze runner. on to the third

April 29, 2014

Got through 20% of the book and it just didn't grab me. It wasn't bad, just didn't keep me interested.


good book but it ended right in the middle of the story. On to the next one in the series.

September 23, 2016

great story. can't wait to read more

March 26, 2014

It's an adult Chronicles of Narnia combined with a bit of Harry Potter. I liked it enough to read the next in the series.

November 26, 2014

Writing was god awful in some places but I kept reading because the overall plot was interesting

December 29, 2023

Fun book. Didn't love the ending but loved the rest.

September 8, 2022

Got a bit boring - DNF around 60%


Very odd book.

August 1, 2024

Did not finish. Got 1/3 through it


Got through one chapter, maybe 1.5? Just didn't grab me and didn't make a lot of sense.


Either I got tired of it or it wasn't as good as the first 3


Great book. Let me guessing till the end


Best book I've read in ages

August 20, 2021