So many emotions while finishing this series! I absolutely loved this entire book/series. I greedily wish we had another book just to see how everyone's lives progressed in the years following.
3.5 ⭐️
This book was definitely harder for me to get in to. Thankful I did the tandem read to keep me going. It got better in the middle and the end was shocking.
4.5 ⭐️
All the senseless killing and memories are truly hard to read. Great book that made me not want to put it down!
This entire book had a hold on me. Heart wrenching, cunning, and so incredibly beautiful.
Wow! This book had some slow parts, but they didn't last long. So much information and twists! My heart was broken more than once and I'm still shook about the ending.
Holy smokes! What an amazing book! My first in this genre and I'm so happy I picked it up! I was hooked within the first chapter!
This entire book blew me away. Parts were so relatable other parts for gut wrenching. I'm so proud of the woman she became after all of the obstacles in her way.
The first half of this was a little slow and in my opinion too many pages from the previous books journals. The second half of the book was amazing and I couldn't put it down. I yearned for it to be longer and not as rushed. Thank you Colleen for giving us their much needed happy ending!
This is the best book I've ever read! I couldn't put it down. It had me hooked from the first couple chapters.
Took almost 40% to be read before I was even slightly interested. It was similar to a roller coaster of events but a lot of lulls between each interesting event. Chapter 37 had me rolling my eyes because it was so unbelievable. I'm not a quitter so I finished.
I found myself annoyed with the main character for 3/4 of the book. I wanted to stop reading it, but I had to finish it. Thankfully, the last 1/4 of the book picked up the pace and perspectives were changed.
Gave me the ick and I somewhat predicted it. Couldn't wait to finish reading so I could put it away and be done.
I wish we could've gotten even more of a back story with Sam. They deserved more time for their story to be told. I loved all the different past tales of her journeys. FU Arobynn.
2.5 stars
Rather dull and mostly pointless book. Would've been better to add to the next book.
I loved seeing how they took the book and made such a wonderful movie. It was hard to read some of what Miss Trunchbull did.
I felt every single emotion possible during this book. I cried and laughed many times. Seeing everything unfold from a different POV and being willing to listen and learn was even more eye opening. The saddest part of this book is the list of names are ever growing since it's been published.