It's a good story and an easy read. My main complaint is nothing really happens until the last 50 pages, so it takes a long time to get through, and I'm not overly motivated to read the future novels.
Mildly disappointing, but that said - a disappointing Sanderson novel is akin to a bad Pixar movie. Still a solid 4 stars :)
Brandon Sanderson is far and away one of my favorite authors. His ability to continuously develop new and interesting characters and stories, while constantly keeping you on the edge of your seat is astounding. A must read for any fantasy fan.
A fast and easy read. If you liked Divergent, if you liked the Hunger Games, if you go into this with an open mind, you'll enjoy the read. Most of it read more like Divergent than The Hunger Games, but the parallels to both are there, and it was fun. I didn't have many expectations going into it, and I found it quite enjoyable, reasonably well-written, and pulling me in to read more. Great story.