I read all seasons

Merged review:

I read all seasons

July 15, 2021
March 31, 2020
July 27, 2020

I didn't give this book 5 stars because I really don't like the main character sisters point of view

January 16, 2020
July 26, 2019
June 17, 2021
December 27, 2019
February 14, 2020
May 18, 2021
May 6, 2021
August 4, 2020

Eu gostei mais do livro do que o quadrinho, n??o sei se foi porque eu lembrava de todos os detalhes da hist??ria ou se foi a arte que me incomodou (n??o gostei dela), mas essa leitura n??o foi t??o boa quanto eu esperava.

January 21, 2019
May 3, 2020

This book was very fast. It took me only to tries to reach the ending. I hope the next books are more fun

September 22, 2024

This graphic novel was an disappointment. It took me 4 days to finish and I only finished because this was a library book andnI didn't want to return it unread. The plot and characters were OK and nothing that happened surprised me.

January 20, 2022
February 2, 2020

I didn't like the main character point of view a lot, and I felt the others dragons didn't appear enough in this book.
I hope I enjoy the next point of view more.

August 29, 2019

Tem uma rela????o entre uma professora e um aluno de ensino m??dio. Ele ?? tecnicamente um adulto e ela uma professora jovem, mas nope. Me recuso a ler isso



I didn't understand her decision in the end, she said that not everyone would be happy about her decision, so I thought she would say no, but she aceppted ????? Why?

April 7, 2019

Burrinho pedr??s - 4A volta do marido pr??digo - 1
Sarapalha - 4Duelo - 5
Minha Gente - 3.5S??o Marcos - 3
Corpo Fechado - 5Conversa de Bois - 1
A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga - 2*

January 3, 2020
August 14, 2019