I am really enjoying Toby's world. The side characters are getting more interesting and deep and the series goes on.
Also this one made me sad at a couple points and anything that causes a true emotion is good storytelling in my book.
There are so many opinions on this book I figured I should read it so I could have my own...
Ok, so I thought it was a just so-so neither here nor there until the end, then i decided it was utter bull.
This was a superb combination of autobiography and useful tip on quality writing. I picked this up at the library based on many good recommendations, after reading it I went out and bought a copy to keep on my shelf.
I almost feel bad that I didn't like this book much. I actually liked the story and the characters, but the writing style prevented me from becoming attached.
GRRM skips between a lot of people in his books, but each segment gives you enough time and emotion to be attached to the character. With this book I would find myself just starting to get to know a character and “bam” it shifted to somewhere else, which prevented me from forming a strong attachment with anyone. This was made a little worse by the fact that it took me a couple paragraph sometimes to realize that I was reading about a character because they were being called by a different name.
I felt like I was forcing myself to read through the book. It would have been better even if I disliked the characters, but I just didn't feel anything about them...
Summary: I would recommend giving it a shot. If the writing style appeals to you it is a good story, if not move on.
I enjoyed this quick read. It reminded me a little of the westerns I used to read when I was younger. I had a hard time with the main character being named “Low Down,” but I know why they did it and I was able to adapt somewhat by only calling her “Low” in my head.
This was not my favorite in the series, but the romance payoff made It totally worth 4 stars!
I was confused, bored, or annoyed through most of the book. The world building was interesting though. This suffered from extreme first book-itus.
In liked it quite a bit and almost gave it a 4, but the amount of POV chances too me out of the novel several times, so 3.
This was an interesting book and I am glad it was a book club pick (S & L). The outlook of the book to me felt refreshing and slightly depressing. I hope the portrait of humanity was not accurate, and the fact that there wasn't already mass nuclear annihilation is a good start.
Great crime and Kung Fu novel set to a backdrop of a fantasy Japan with magic driven by the powers of Jade
This is a great start to a new series. This has everything that I loved about the Bosch series with a new younger protagonist. As a female reader I am very happy with how well Ballard is written, she is complex and compelling. Looking forward to the best one!
I am a huge Iron Druid can and this book was a great addition. I enjoyed seeing the individual development of each character and their goals. There were a couple (1 big) sad moments, but the epilogue was cute enough to balance everything.
This was a great mystery that led you right to the bad guys, then distracted you away, so when you finally discovered “who done it” you were shocked & had them as a suspect. I also really liked that Bosch was somehow both really vulnerable and a complete asshole. (Side Note: It seems like everyone was a jerk by today's standards, just looking at the smoking and littering!) Enjoyed it and just bought the 2nd in the series.
I really enjoyed the story and its conclusion.
That being said I listened to this as an audio book (as I have with a couple other in this series) and it was horrible. The reading did improve as the book wen ton, but durring the first half of the book the narration was jarring at best.
This book was so easy to read. I liked the gritty story of redemption, magic, love, and hate. There were some tragedies I wish had not occurred, but the fact I cared so much is an indication of how well they were written.
I flipped a lot between 2 and 3 stars. I really enjoyed the story, but was increasingly irritated by how it was told.
I didn't read this back to bank with the 1st book, so I had to very a feel for the characters again, which is normal. The random switching off characters made this difficult. I felt like a detective for the first half of the book just figuring out who was narrating a specific piece. This was made even worse by the way the author suddenly switched between the characters present and a story from their past. The book took a lot more energy to process then it should have.
Saying all that why did I give it 3 stars? I still want read the next book and see how it ends. As annoying as the writing was at times, the characters still pulled me in. I care how their story ends.
I don't like this one quite as much as the first book, but still enjoyed it.
Most of the characters became even more complex as the story developed. I look forward to read the third book.
This book if definitely not a favorite for me. The amount of exposition was exhausting. It would also veer toward gruesome at unexpected times. If the intent was shock value, I found the gratuitous violence more irritating than anything, it ripped me out of the story.
I almost lemmed it, but keep reading in case the end payoff made it worth while. it did not. I didn't find any satisfaction there either.
Wish I could rate this 1 1/2 stars.
The world building was very interesting. The side characters were also a huge draw for me. The main characters were interesting at times, boring at times, and sometimes just widely unpredictable (not in a good way). This was an easy read that I enjoyed, but I am not rushing out to buy the next one in the series.
I really enjoyed this book.
It was definitely a teen book with teeny-bopper romance with possibly overpowered kids. That didn't stop it from being a really fun and thrilling. I greatly enjoyed this as an adult, but the 16 year old me would have read it all in one sitting and then re-read it at least once more.
Thank you again Penguin Books at SDCC.
I love this series. Such a well developed world and system. It was interesting to go to a new place in the world, but it did make it a little hard to picture Tri-cities as such an important center for everything. Fun and funny as always with Mrs. Briggs werewolf books.