Not sure how I felt about this book. Definitely won't read it again, and I read so many books for a second (third, fourth ...) time. This was interesting but extremely unsettling and violent. Glad I read it, but very happy to be finished.

January 2, 2017

Excellent - should be required reading for everyone. Need to make a mental note to reread this on a regular basis.

January 2, 2017

This was terrible. I cannot think of one positive thing to say about this book. I'm stunned at how well received it has been. The twist was not a twist. The misogyny running through this book was almost unbelievable. I have no idea why I finished it.

August 4, 2019

Started out pretty good, but so many errors/typos. Don't remember the book well at all (never a good sign).

November 16, 2014