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Lisa's Books by Status

694 Books

See all
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales
The Girl You Left Behind
Coming of Age in Mississippi: The Classic Autobiography of a Young Black Girl in the Rural South
Birdgirl: Looking to the Skies in Search of a Better Future
Out of the Easy

Lisa's Most Popular Reviews

Not sure how I felt about this book. Definitely won't read it again, and I read so many books for a second (third, fourth ...) time. This was interesting but extremely unsettling and violent. Glad I read it, but very happy to be finished.

January 2, 2017

Did NOT enjoy this book. Not at all.

August 3, 2017

Excellent - should be required reading for everyone. Need to make a mental note to reread this on a regular basis.

January 2, 2017

This one kinda creeps up on you. Excellent read. I have a feeling I'll remember this one for a long while.

January 12, 2019

I have NEVER laughed this hard and this often when reading any book - ever! Tears running down my face, and literally ending up in coughing fits of laughter...

I read it slowly (on purpose) so that I would be forced to enjoy a little bit of it each day.

May 19, 2012