Loved it!
At first I was a little tentative... one of my favorite things about Hugh's writing is the way he writes amazing female characters (strong, independent, believable, excellent point of view). When I started reading this story, I thought “damn, it is about a really annoying man...“
I finished it anyway, and what a pleasant surprise! Great story. I will be thinking about this one for a long time. I'll probably have to read it again soon just to see if I missed anything.
I have NEVER laughed this hard and this often when reading any book - ever! Tears running down my face, and literally ending up in coughing fits of laughter...
I read it slowly (on purpose) so that I would be forced to enjoy a little bit of it each day.
I have some pretty mixed feelings about this book.
I very much enjoyed most of it... but, the end of the book did not sit well with me, though.
For the bulk of the story, we learn of an extremely intelligent, driven, and hard working girl who grows into a pretty amazing young woman (in spite of extreme hardship). Her account of her childhood and college years is a compelling read - I found that I had developed great admiration for the strength and leadership she developed. I continued to feel this way until the very end of the book.
In the closing chapters of the book, she becomes a self proclaimed “Jesus follower.” This (not surprisingly) entirely changes her outlook. In many ways, the consequences are not unfortunate... but in others... It made me very sad that she attributed her successes, hard work, and intelligence not to her own strength of character, but to god. This happens all the time, and it makes me sad every time it does.
The authors spends a fair amount of the closing pages trying to find a way to be forgiven for the forced abortions she had when she was young (and forgiving other women for the abortions - both forced and chosen). Seeking forgiveness for a forced abortion is like seeking forgiveness for being raped - you did not sin. No forgiveness is necessary. This made me sad and a little angry.
I finished the book, but I found the ending particularly problematic considering it was written by a woman who is spearheading a campaign to promote awareness of the rights of girls and women worldwide.
I'll give it more thought... but for now, I am glad to have read the book and learned the story of this amazing woman.
Just a couple of chapters in so far... and it is much more gripping than I'd expected.
2.5... I wanted to like it.
The main character could have been great... but things just moved so quickly that nothing fully developed. I liked the “idea” of this book... but the execution was lacking.
I may have had some minor problems with this book... but I really liked the characters and the story was really compelling... so 4 stars!
This book tackles some really difficult issues and does so very well... and I love that. I may have some minor issues with the book when I reread it (and I will, of course), but overall, this was a great one.
Again... some minor issues... but I liked the characters and the story.
I really must wonder, though... what exactly is meant by biologist and botanist in this book? Seems like one of a few glaring issues.
Finished the book in short order, though :)
Was okay - seriously sexist attitudes run through out the book. I finished it, but I don't remember it well at all. Disappointing.
Wow. I am sure I'll have a better ability to talk about this book in a few days. Right now, I cannot do it justice.
I really enjoyed this book – well-told stories, interesting people, and excellent perspective.
This one kinda creeps up on you. Excellent read. I have a feeling I'll remember this one for a long while.
I have nothing good to say about this book. The ending did not satisfy, just condoned horrific/abusive behavior.
Two stars only because I was compelled to finish the book.