#2 | | 3.5 | 2 reads | |
#3 | Talking To Tweens: Getting It Right Before It Gets Rocky with Your 8- to 12-Year-Old | 3 | 1 read | |
#4 | Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children | 4 | 3 reads | |
#5 | The One Minute Mother - Spencer Johnson
- Candle Communications
| 0 | 0 reads | |
#6 | Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior - Russell A. Barkley
- Christine M. Benton
| 0 | 0 reads | |
#7 | If My Kid's So Nice.... Why's He Driving Me Crazy?: Straight Talk About the "Good Kid" Disorder | 4 | 1 read | |
#8 | The Parent's Problem Solver: Smart Solutions for Everyday Discipline Dilemmas and Behavioral Problems | 2 | 1 read | |
#9 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#10 | | 4 | 1 read | |
#11 | | 3 | 4 reads | |
#12 | Parenting with love and logic | 3.4 | 6 reads | |
#13 | Beyond Time-Out: From Chaos to Calm - Beth A. Grosshans
- Janet H. Burton
| 4 | 2 reads | |
#14 |  Backtalk Backtalk: 4 Steps to Ending Rude Behavior in Your Kids | 0 | 0 reads | |
#15 | Smart Discipline: Fast, Lasting Solutions for Your Peace of Mind and Your Child's Self-Esteem | 4 | 1 read | |
#16 | How to Be a Happy Parent...in Spite of Your: Children! | 3 | 1 read | |
#17 | NANNY 911 - Deborah Carroll
- Stella Reid
| 3 | 1 read | |
#18 | Parenting a Child With a Behavior Problem - Penny Hutchins Paquette
- Cheryl Gerson Tuttle
| 2 | 1 read | |
#19 | The Co-Dependent Parent: Free Yourself by Freeing Your Child | 2 | 1 read | |
#20 | Stop Struggling, Start Parenting | 3 | 1 read | |
#21 | "Mom, Jason's Breathing on Me!": The Solution to Sibling Bickering | 3 | 1 read | |
#22 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#23 |  Siblings Without Rivalry Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too - Adele Faber
- Elaine Mazlish
| 4 | 7 reads | |
#24 | | 3.26 | 89 reads | |
#25 | On Becoming baby wise giving your infant the gift of nighttime sleep | 3.5 | 3 reads | |
#28 | What the Scriptures Teach Us about Raising a Child | 4 | 1 read | |
#29 | 25 Mistakes LDS Parents Make and How to Avoid Them | 4 | 1 read | |
#30 | Straight Talk for Parents: What Teenagers Wish They Could Tell You - Barbara Barrington Jones
- Brad Wilcox
| 4 | 1 read | |
#31 | Why can't You Catch Me Being Good | 3 | 1 read | |
#32 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#33 | Raising Great Kids - Parenting with Grace and Truth | 3 | 1 read | |
#37 | The Parenting Breakthrough: Real-Life Plan to Teach Your Kids to Work, Save Money, and Be Truly Independent | 3 | 1 read | |
#38 | An Emotional First Aid Kit for Mothers | 4 | 1 read | |
#39 | Parenting the Strong-Willed Child: Fortifying Our Youth and Healing Our Prodigals | 4 | 1 read | |
#40 | Strengthening Our Families: An In-Depth Look at the Proclamation on the Family | 3 | 1 read | |
#41 | | 4 | 1 read | |
#42 | Unlikely Truths of Motherhood | 3 | 1 read | |
#43 | 10 Secrets Wise Parents Know: Tried and True Things You Can Do To Raise Faithful, Confident, Responsible Children | 4 | 1 read | |
#44 | Between Parent and Teenager | 0 | 0 reads | |
#45 | Between Parent and Child - Haim G. Ginott
- H. Wallace Goddard
- Alice Ginott
| 3 | 1 read | |
#46 | The Children You Want With the Kids You Have | 3 | 1 read | |
#47 | Assertive Discipline for Parents: A Proven, Step-by-Step Approach to Solving Everyday Behavior Problems | 3 | 1 read | |
#48 | World and Space - Childcraft- The How and Why Library, Vol. 4 - Childcraft International
- World Book, Inc.
| 4 | 1 read | |
#49 | Kid disasters and how to fix them | 0 | 0 reads | |
#50 | How to Live With Your Children and Like Them | 3 | 1 read | |
#51 | Teaching Your Children Good Manners: A Go Parents! Guide - Lauri Berkenkamp
- Steven C. Atkins
| 3 | 1 read | |
#52 | Discipline: 101 Alternatives to Nagging, Yelling, and Spanking | 3 | 1 read | |
#53 | | 3 | 1 read | |
#54 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#55 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#56 | For the Strength of Youth: Fulfilling Our Duty to God - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
| 5 | 1 read | |
#57 | Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Raising Your Distracted Child - Edward M. Hallowell
- Peter S. Jensen
| 0 | 0 reads | |
#58 | Teenagers with ADD and ADHD: A Guide for Parents and Professionals | 4 | 1 read | |
#59 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#60 | What a Difference a Daddy Makes: The Indelible Imprint a Dad Leaves on His Daughter's Life | 4 | 1 read | |
#61 | What a Difference a Mom Makes | 0 | 0 reads | |
#62 | How Will You Measure Your Life? - Clayton M. Christensen
- James Allworth
- Karen Dillon
| 3.83 | 37 reads | |
#63 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#64 | The Seven-Year Stretch: Growing Through Adolescence : The Family Process and How It Works | 3 | 1 read | |
#65 | Parenting Your Powerful Child: Bringing an End to the Everyday Battles | 4 | 1 read | |
#66 | The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity | 3 | 2 reads | |
#67 | The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child: With No Pills, No Therapy, No Contest of Wills | 4 | 1 read | |
#68 | Ready for Take-Off: Preparing Your Teen With ADHD or LD for College - Theresa E. Laurie Maitland
- Patricia O. Quinn
| 3 | 1 read | |
#69 | Reality Parenting: As NOT Seen on TV | 3 | 1 read | |
#70 | Power Parenting for Children With Add/Adhd: A Practical Parent's Guide for Managing Difficult Behaviors | 3 | 1 read | |
#71 | How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk - Adele Faber
- Elaine Mazlish
| 4.21 | 42 reads | |
#72 | Your Defiant Teen: 10 Steps to Resolve Conflict and Rebuild Your Relationship - Russell A. Barkley
- Arthur L. Robin
| 4 | 1 read | |
#73 | Power Parenting in the LDS Home: Avoid the 25 Most Common Mistakes | 4 | 1 read | |
#74 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#75 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#76 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#77 | Raising an Army of Helaman's Warriors: A Guide for Parents to Prepare the Greatest Generation of Missionaries - Mark D. Ogletree
- Kevin A. Hinckley
| 4 | 1 read | |
#78 | | 0 | 0 reads | |
#79 | | 3 | 1 read | |
#80 | Bearing Witness: The Lives of War Correspondents and Photojournalists | 5 | 1 read | |
#81 | Get the Behavior You Want... Without Being the Parent You Hate! | 0 | 0 reads | |
#82 | Yes, Your Teen is Crazy!: Loving Your Kid Without Losing Your Mind | 5 | 1 read | |
#83 | Parent Hacks: 134 Genius Shortcuts for Life with Kids | 3 | 1 read | |
#84 | Get Out of My Life, but First Could You Drive Me & Cheryl to the Mall? | 5 | 1 read | |
#85 | The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind - Daniel J. Siegel
- Tina Payne Bryson
| 4.25 | 45 reads | |
#86 | Handbook of Colorectal Surgery | 4 | 1 read | |
#87 | That's My Son: How Moms Can Influence Boys to Become Men of Character | 5 | 1 read | |
#88 | Choose Your Own Adulthood: A Small Book about the Small Choices that Make the Biggest Difference | 0 | 1 read | |
#89 | Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool | 4 | 3 reads | |
#90 | | 4 | 1 read | |
#92 | Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead | 4.06 | 173 reads | |
#93 | | 4 | 1 read | |
#94 | | 4 | 2 reads | |
#1 | | 0 | 0 reads | |