


The Amber Spyglass

#3 of 3 in His Dark Materials

1999 • 817 Readers • 518 pages 4


The Subtle Knife

#2 of 3 in His Dark Materials

1995 • 911 Readers • 326 pages 4.1


The Golden Compass

#1 of 3 in His Dark Materials

1995 • 1,947 Readers • 399 pages 4


The Fellowship of the Ring

#1 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 3,278 Readers • 398 pages 4.4


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

#5 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 3,829 Readers • 896 pages 4.3


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

#2 of 8 in Harry Potter

1998 • 4,198 Readers • 332 pages 4.2


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

#6 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 3,745 Readers • 672 pages 4.4


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

#4 of 8 in Harry Potter

19 • 4,000 Readers • 752 pages 4.4


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

#1 of 8 in Harry Potter

1997 • 5,440 Readers • 309 pages 4.3


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

#7 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 3,719 Readers • 784 pages 4.4


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

#3 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 4,153 Readers • 547 pages 4.4


Wizard's First Rule

#1 of 12 in Sword of Truth

18 • 539 Readers • 848 pages 3.7


Stone of Tears

#2 of 12 in Sword of Truth

1995 • 238 Readers • 996 pages 3.8


Blood of the Fold

#3 of 12 in Sword of Truth

1996 • 188 Readers • 645 pages 3.6


Temple of the Winds

#4 of 12 in Sword of Truth

1997 • 158 Readers • 836 pages 3.7


Faith of the Fallen

#6 of 12 in Sword of Truth

2001 • 146 Readers • 808 pages 3.9


Soul of the Fire

#5 of 12 in Sword of Truth

1999 • 149 Readers • 877 pages 3.4



#9 of 12 in Sword of Truth

2005 • 115 Readers • 748 pages 3.7


Debt of Bones

#0.5 of 12 in Sword of Truth

1998 • 72 Readers • 192 pages 3.7


The Omen Machine

#1 of 4 in Richard and Kahlan

2011 • 70 Readers 3.5



#11 of 12 in Sword of Truth

2007 • 109 Readers • 614 pages 4.1



#10 of 12 in Sword of Truth

2006 • 104 Readers • 587 pages 3.9


Naked Empire

#8 of 12 in Sword of Truth

2003 • 129 Readers 3.4


The Pillars of Creation

#7 of 12 in Sword of Truth

2001 • 137 Readers • 740 pages 3.4


Twilight Watch

#3 of 6 in The Watch

2004 • 65 Readers • 405 pages 4


The Day Watch

#2 of 6 in The Watch

2000 • 85 Readers • 496 pages 4


The Night Watch

#1 of 6 in The Watch

1998 • 186 Readers • 496 pages 3.9



#3 of 10 in The Stormlight Archive

2017 • 1,543 Readers • 1,243 pages 4.6


The Fifth Season

#1 of 3 in The Broken Earth

2015 • 2,257 Readers • 421 pages 4.4


The Obelisk Gate

#2 of 3 in The Broken Earth

2016 • 911 Readers • 411 pages 4.3