“The Earth is beautiful, and bright, and kindly, but that is not all. The Earth is also terrible, and dark, and cruel. The rabbit shrieks dying in the green meadows. The mountains clench their great hands full of hidden fire. There are sharks in the sea, and there is cruelty in men's eyes.”

October 30, 2023

leider war's nicht Tief genug, imo

hört sich ein bisschen wie Boomerism an, aber hat doch gute Argumente

Chul Han bleibt der beste Pop-Philosoph

November 1, 2023

good - okay - really good

pinche final

Hemingway entiende que las palabras deben de ser simples y ser usadas como dagas

February 18, 2024

this was awesome, it's incredible how much reading this when i was 9 altered my brain chemistry forever

March 22, 2024

gran novela sobre la angustia de género masculina, de la represión de energía vital que lleva a la oscuridad en los ojos de los hombres(y como se manifiesta como chauvinismo).

me sorprende que Michaels sea básicamente un desconocido, me gustó mucho su estilo

March 22, 2024

bonito y cortito, buena introducción a kawakami, pero me gustaría que fuera más largo...

March 23, 2024

found the prose a little stale but with some great moments

chapter 25 will stick with me for years

loved the themes and portrayals, a lot to unpack

December 1, 2023

realismo mágico muy swag, no la mejor cosa del mundo pero la verdad una buen limpia al paladar después de leer mishima

April 12, 2024
April 10, 2024

Sabrosa la prosa de Cortázar siempre.

May 17, 2024

estoy demasiado crudo y demacrado como para escribir una reseña apropiada.
solo diré: “At any rate, her words remained. While other words and memories turned to dust and vanished.” Estas son palabras e historias que se quedan conmigo.

April 1, 2024
May 1, 2024

Extremely good book. Reads like a dream playing out. Have my usual Murakami female character complaints, but otherwise very recommended. Loved how some characters acted as mirrors; basically all of their interactions with Watanabe were compelling. Very quotable at times.


best book on grief i've ever read

April 13, 2023

triste, una rana hirviéndose.


releído después de 5 años

banger, Hemingway es un pinche hater y lo amo, las desgracias de no tener balas en tu pistola, la masculinidad es una cárcel et cetera

January 1, 2024


it was aight but ishiguro didn't really say anything, enjoyed it but only superficially. would give it 2.5 stars but you gotta love how dumb goodreads is

June 13, 2023


April 12, 2023
April 26, 2024

they really were normal people

May 26, 2023

Narrativa y prosa excepcional a veces - no lo pude soltar desde la segunda mitad. Pero debo admitir que no entendí todas las metáforas o alegorías que usan a veces

October 1, 2023

fun, enjoyable read

lame, one-note characters
insane main character power fantasy


January 1, 2024

Didion is a genius... play it as it lays is good how boxers are good, one, two hits, it's poison or sedatives(what does it matter) slowly dripping into your IV bag.

March 17, 2024

mid, tame, baby's first feminism

but it's alright for a starting point

September 1, 2023