295 Books
See allI was a big fan of the two Powder Mage trilogies by Brian McClellan, his world building strikes a great tone with me. It's a level below in depth to Sanderson (but who isn't ya know?), but still McClellan does an amazing job at keeping the scope focused on a few characters yet his worlds feel large, lived in, and believable. I also have to mention if magic systems are your thing, his books are top tier!
Shadow of Lightning is equally as strong of a start as Promise of Blood in my opinion and I can't wait for the remaining installments. I loved how intimately we get to know the characters in this story; I've seen reviews slamming the character development and I hear what they are saying but in my opinion it's clear we just at the starting point and McClellan has set up a beautiful arc for us to experience in this series. My favorite part of the book was the last 20%, the climax was utterly satisfying and just enough was dangled in front of us to blow the world wide open, it took my mind in a million directions and I haven't been as excited to read a next installment in quite awhile.