This is definitely going to be one of my faves books of 2016, it's also the last book I've listened to for this year. Loved it!!
Why this book series hasn't been made in a tv series is beyond me. This series is amazing!
Loved it. What a great story. Loved the characters, loved the humor. And boy, the last part of the book was one big rollercoaster ride. Narration was great!
The series really does keep getting better. Loved this one as much as the previous two.
Loved it, fantastic humor, had me smile like a goof while walking down the street listening to the audiobook.
Loved the story. It has been on my TBR for some time, as I kept avoiding it as I was under the impression it would be a dark romance, but it's not really. I loved both characters, loved the story.
Warning for those that don't like Daddy stories, the hero likes her to call him Daddy during sexy times. It didn't bother me much as that is the only thing that happened they didn't play an entire daddy role play. Also the author should try to find other ways to describe the heroine getting emotional or teary eyed, the way her nose kept tickling etc, one would almost think she had a bad case of hay fever. But as I said, loved the story, enjoyed it very much. Listened to this as audiobook and the narrator, Savannah Richards did a fantastic job, it's well worth a credit if you buy audiobooks through audible.
Great audio, but I felt a little lost at times since I haven't (yet) read/listened to most of the series these letters were based on, but I will rectify that hopefully soon and listen to this again. As it is, these are great introductions to these authors and the books these letters are based on.
This book is going to be a favorite of mine for a long long time. Beautifully written and warm.
A real feel good book.
Wow, as soon as I started I didn't want to stop anymore, Think I finished it in less then two hours.
The subject is dark and ugly, but the end had me in tears.
A tough book to read.
Loved this book. It made me laugh out loud and it made me cry several times. Beautiful!
Another fantastic book in the Lucky Harbor series. Only 2 more to go and the series is over and darn I'm going to miss the people of Lucky Harbor so much! Love, Love, Love this series!
Another great book in the series, the end had me LOL. Now just another novella to read and I'm finished with this series..sigh..
And that was it for the Rough Riders series. What a ride, loved every bit of it! Now looking forward to the new series, The Rough Riders Legacy series..Can't wait!
Only one more book and a few novella's to go and then it's over..I'm so going to miss Lucky Harbor and its people.
Read this one out of nostalgia, in my teenage years I would devour Barbara Cartland, before I moved on to contemporary romance. But now being much much older, it's clear my tastes have definitely changed. The Story was cute, but I was hurrying to get through it so I could go back to my contemporary romances again.
Winterspecial: Warm ingepakt / Harten in de sneeuw / Kus in het kasteel
Loved it, all three stories were lovely. They all played in the same town of Tucker's point and some characters from previous books appeared in the following books. Lovely anthology. Read this book pretty much in one day.
Heerlijk boek, alle drie de verhalen spelen in het kleine stadje van Tucker's Point en in het tweede en derde boek zal je weer wat karakters zien noemen of tegenkomen van het voorgaande boek. Heb dit boek praktisch in 1 dag gelezen.
Bought this one by accident thinking it was a standalone story. Learned it was part of a series, warning all parts are very small, and you have to pay for them. I bought them anyway because well I was curious to the story. I liked it, it could use some editing as there were some mistakes in it, but they were not overly annoying.
Normaal is dit niet mijn Genre, maar de inhoud sprak mij toch wel aan. Een jongen van 8 die terugkeert uit de dood, en met hem nog vele meer.
Het boek heeft me niet teleurgesteld. Het leest makkelijk weg en vindt het mooi dat door het hele boek verschillende personage aan de beurt komen, die worden even centraal gezet.
Vindt de benaming thriller niet echt passen, daarvoor is er te weinig vaart in het verhaal. Het kabbelt zo'n beetje door, maar toch weet het je aandacht vast te houden.Het is een boek wat je laat nadenken over hoe het zou zijn als jou geliefden terug zouden keren. Je kan niet helpen tijdens het lezen om daar even bij stil te staan. Ga ook zeker de korte verhalen (e-boek) die bij dit boek horen lezen. Een sterk debuut, wat schijnbaar nu al in een tv-serie wordt gemaakt.
Heerlijk boek, vond alle verhalen heel leuk, maar vooral het laatste verhaal vond ik echt heel erg goed.