A couple of good ones, and a few that didn't work for me. Generally I enjoyed reading some of his early stuff though!
Short read, with an important message and lovely artwork. Shame it wasn't slightly longer to add more details to the story, but I'd still recommend.
VERY slow until the last 20% - I wanted to like it so much, and did love all the slasher nods, but there was too much story that wasn't story before we got anywhere. Got me caught in nearly a month long reading slump, but then I whizzed through the last bit. The story was written in such an interesting way, which was at times quite confusing, but did make Jade seem very real as we went through thoughts with her almost in real time.
Will read for the author's other books, and definitely the sequel, but might wait a few months as this took way longer than expected!
Sweet story and very nice art. Really liked having it all in blues and they captured facial expressions perfectly!
Pretty good, fast-paced book, reminded me of the Cherub series! And amazing how much he pinpointed exactly how everyone reacts to a massive virus and pandemic, and how the government reacts too.
Disappointing! I thought this had so much promise, but it fell very flat for me. It was fast-paced and had a good first 1/4-1/3 and I did want to see where it went. BUT! It was super surface-level, and the characters' stories were passed over too quickly to be developed properly and what was the ending!? Really thought it was going somewhere exciting and there were so many possible ways it could go, and yet it didn't. It went nowhere. Shame! Wonder if the film will work better, or if it'll expand any of the lost plot lines.
Enjoyable, and I'll look out for the next books in the series as this one definitely sets up for a good universe. Art style was fab but felt a bit like the volume was over when it was only just beginning! Still, Geiger was quite cool.
Fell a little flat for me, and not sure why! It had everything going for it: great setting, good premise and loads of research into witches of the past, fun characters and mysteries but something didn't quite work for me. Possibly slight lack of romance? Or something about Essie? I'm not sure. That said, I think it will be perfect for some and I am still looking forward to reading Hex and the City!
A slow start for me (with two false starts!) but I really enjoyed it by the end, which came as a bit of a surprise. The second half really picked up a lot of speed and I whizzed through it. I found the story very interesting as I didn't know the original before reading this, and liked Montgomery and Lupe the most of the characters, though I think they generally didn't have enough time to be developed too deeply - it didn't detract from my wanting to keep reading it though!
I've had Mexican Gothic on my TBR for a long time now, and I like her writing style after this book so I'll get to that one soonish.
Odd but enjoyable, and I found it got going (and made sense...) about 2/3 of the way through, though spooky/eerie forest descriptions were great all the way through and I liked the witchy undertones throughout. Not sure what I expected as picked it predominantly based on the spine/title/small physical format, but found this quite a strange fairy tale, and didn't really want it to end!
Bit of a slow start but really really enjoyed it once a bit further in! Ropa was a fun protagonist (but seems older than supposed to be) and I liked her attitude to the new world she lived in. I enjoyed the elements of fairy tale and light horror, as well as the enemies she faced.
Not quite 5* as felt the other characters (Gran especially) and the whole past could be slightly more developed; I have lots of questions that are unanswered (why is THAT a library card?!); and maybe have a bit more on why/what happened between now and when it is set - it is hard to stay focused while this is quite unclear, at the start especially.
I'll definitely pick up the next in the series and hoping to see more magic, and more of the library in the next one!
Very wholesome words with beautiful drawings. Read it at exactly the right time for me!
Not at all what I expected! Felt like it spanned a few genres and was well-written, but I kept waiting for a big something to happen and it didn't. Left feeling a bit empty at the end, but definitely had some very interesting parts, and finding more out about Edie, Rebecca and Akila's relationships made me keep reading.
Highlights on Kindle.
Interesting concept, and I liked the author's writing style. Some characters were mentioned briefly then abandoned which was a shame (Erin and Luke) and I didn't feel too much towards the m in characters really, but generally enjoyed the idea of Cinderella laws and her reworking of a fairytale. I will read The Poison Heart at some point!
Good fast-paced action in this thriller, and I was kept guessing who it was until all was revealed - I had it narrowed down to two! Characters all had individual personalities (some stereotypes but that didn't detract from them) and the narrator was excellent at the voices. I had enjoyed The Sanatorium and was surprised by a sequel/series but I'm glad that this one was different enough from the first and allowed more of a story/background to be developed for Elin and Will. I will definitely look out for more by Sarah Pearse, and more narrated by Gemma Whelan too.
Interesting (but sad) semi-fictionalised history of the dictionary, with quite good characters (especially Ditte and Lizzie, who I'd like to have heard more about) and fun to read about Oxford back then!
Bizarre, but quite disturbing/thought-provoking. Wasn't sure at all where this was going to go until the last third or so... Will stay with me a while though, as I have questions and want to know more! And will be absolutely looking to buy a full survival kit now.
Knocked off a bit of a star for the odd start, some bits of ott flowery language and slightly frustrating ending.
Quite good thriller! Bit cliche at time at times but I liked the ending and thought the characters were generally unlikeable in a good way. Picked it up after reading The Turn of the Key by her last year and think this was better!
Brilliant! Great design, loved the funny retro-style graphics. Good story too. Looking out for more Chelsea Cain and the rest of the authors' graphic novels.
Struggled through this, but I was listening to The Mercies alongside it which made it a little harder. I found the writing hard to get into but I'll give it another chance one day.
Found this a bit strange and did feel like I was dragging myself though second half/once Zachary was grown up. It was a shame other characters weren't given much time as felt they were interesting! More so than Abel and most of the Constantinople bits . It felt at times like things were a little too quick and easy (such as the end bit) but the author's descriptions were fantastic.
Lovely cover and the note showed how much research was in there - I feel it almost could have been two books!