


The Consolation of Philosophy

524 • 51 Readers • 192 pages 4.1


Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy

1637 • 64 Readers • 136 pages 3.8



1963 • 3 Readers 5


The Tao of Pooh

The Way, With The Enchanted Neighborhood

1982 • 248 Readers • 158 pages 4


The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet

The Way, With The Enchanted Neighborhood

1992 • 34 Readers • 380 pages 3.3


The Pilgrim's Regress

1933 • 22 Readers • 219 pages 3.5


Till We Have Faces:

1901 • 167 Readers • 320 pages 4.2


The Unwritten

11 The Unwritten

2013 • 12 Readers • 160 pages 4.4


Man's Search for Meaning

1946 • 1,376 Readers • 240 pages 4.3


The Republic

#3 of 3 in Диалози

-400 • 522 Readers • 306 pages 3.8


Tao Te Ching

-600 • 418 Readers • 178 pages 4



1949 • 5,782 Readers • 328 pages 4.2


The Classic of the Way and Virtue

-600 • 18 Readers • 256 pages 4.4


The Great Transformation

2006 • 7 Readers • 592 pages 4