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Location:New York

Jennifer 's Books by Status

1,558 Books

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Sometimes I Lie
The Witch's Broom: The Craft, Lore & Magick of Broomsticks
The CBS Murders
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda: Live in the Present, Find Your Future
The New Believers: Sects, 'Cults' and Alternative Religions
A New Leash on Death
Obernewtyn  & The Farseekers

Jennifer 's Most Popular Reviews

I read this years ago but I'd like to read it again. I have a vague memory of not being thrilled with the ending.


I didn't bother finishing it. It was poorly written, as if the publisher said “Let's corner the tea drinker/mystery market” and picked the nearest person to write. It didn't flow. I will avoid any other themed mysteries like this because they're probably all as poorly written.


He's always so miserable. I can't root for him at all. But I'm rooting for the Land.

August 1, 2014

It just didn't draw me in and I read Terry Goodkind, Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman and Stephen R. Donaldson. I'm totally comfortable with fantasy. Maybe it was the author's style but it didn't flow for me.

August 18, 2014

I liked it but it was obvious right away who the killer was

November 1, 2016