This is the type of science fiction and young adult that I enjoy; alot of technology and not alot of young adult angst. It also has a plot that moves along, no side tracking for topics that aren't relevant or pausing for too long, and characters that have some depth to them.
I don't really have a desire to revisit my teen years so I'm not fond of listening to that age-based anxiety in my books. It's not the majority of the book so I was able to wait through these parts to enjoy the rest of the story.
One of the better Robin Cook books because not alot of time is spent on describing the technology / biology. Though, I wish there wasn't a requirement to visit the incredibly darker side of some people, to have a good mystery.
Just a cameo from Mr. Cook's medical examiner's team.
Amazing read! The author is also the narrator and he has a great speaking voice; his timing and modulation keep your focus well.
The material is broken into chapters that designed for relatively short reads over a seris of days. And I like that he's interspersed some of his own story into the telling.
I highly recommend this for folks wanting to get a new take on US history.
Focused on three male characters, Luke, Corwin and Merlin. It's been a long time since I read the series but it sounds like these are all towards the end of both series.
I'm not a fan of short stories but I give 3 stars as the stories give you enough information to know who the main character is and their blood relationship, at least, to the other characters.
I was really looking forward to some humor but there wasn't much of it in the first quarter of the book, nor did the storyline really peak my interest; alot of prose and not much action.
Light-hearted, intriguing characters, lots of interesting interactions between characters, intriguing growth in most characters, interesting twists, and a mystery that stretches out for quite some time.
The only drawback is alot of the above is drawn out overly, creating alot of 'keep it moving' hand gestures on my part.
Contains spoilers
I was Very surprised to find this was pretty much a different story than the movie. I was happy to have some gaps in the movie's world building, filled in; especially regarding animals and the origami.
Still not sure what the title has to do with the plot, sounds like a throw of word magnets at a fridge door.
Another good plot I didn't catch on to, and thanks for the timeline at the end to answer all questions. Interesting that the series is called Leaphorn & Chee but Chee has yet to make an appearance. I'll continue the series.
I just loved Chrisjen Avasarala for her no holds barred speaking and the fact that the author had her telling you exactly what political intrigue was about to happen. I HATE when the author has folks sneaking around in the background generating trouble. I think, they think they're creating anticipation but all they do is make me want to stop reading their work.
Pacing was even better than [book:Leviathan Wakes|8855321] and I was at first disheartened to see my favorite character from it was gone but I took a keen interest in Bobbie Draper.
I'll be reading the next in the series.
Another whale-sized book, another read-through-the-night plot, more interesting characters and surprising twists. It's getting darker and sadder.
And the aliens' goings-on are taking up more of the pages. These my eyes glaze over, there are too many groups and members of those groups, too many mythologies, gods, demi gods, inferior gods that are sisters and wives of the same junior god. So confusing! I just slide over it and hope it doesn't trip me up somehow, later.
I'm caught up now. I think the latest book has just been released so I'll probably have to wait several years before the San Francisco library will let it out of there hands. I find it shocking that the nearest library that has this book in any format is on the other coastline from me!
A fun read, lots of action and movement [what I like in a story], who was who was a mystery til almost the end [I like this too]. The characters had good depth and personality, and I liked that objects of nature have manifestations.
If you like this book and don't mind a bit of leaning towards sci-fi, you may enjoy [book:The Atrocity Archives|101869] by [author:Charles Stross|8794]. London today, supernatural, and managing the chaos that ensues.
Alot of military speak and alot of political intrigue, which I'm not a fan of. Thankfully, there's alot of action to keep one's interest. Also another opportunity to get familiar with the Halo universe and participants.
Amazingly, for being the 5th book in the series and for being a heavy beast at 700 pages, a great read that I picked up every opportunity I got.
I don't understand why this series isn't on more bookshelves, digital or physical? I still have to rely on interlibrary loans to get this series; this time all the way across the country!
The author does a great job of blending her family's part in the story she tells with the story of the tribes relocated to Oklahoma and the challenges of working thru the legal system to correct sovereign boundaries.
The book is fairly old at the time of my reading; I wonder how much has changed? Can someone still do this type of stopping just anywhere for the night? Have a good conversation without concerns for safety?
It reminds me of something I read decades ago, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, which I didn't like at the time. Maybe I didn't appreciate the wandering, and appreciation of the moment and who we might meet or what we might learn, at any moment.
Consistently with the prior four books with interesting plot and science, surprises, interesting characters, story, and movement. I did find it hard to keep the alien races separated towards then end when they were all in the chapter together.
The storyline is well written, it keeps moving and the author doesn't wander down non-essential paths, but it doesn't grab my interest.
Too much young adult angst and plots that are way too predicable for my taste.
Wow, for being book number four, the books are still well written and enjoyable to read! Beginning to look for book number five.
Contains spoilers
At the time of my reading, Goodreads and Hardcover don't have the Known Space set of books sequenced chronologically. This book falls between the original discovery of Ringworld [I've not yet come across that book] and the original book in the series, Ringworld.
Some interesting concepts to contemplate while reading like dismembering individuals for various reasons [usually members of the lower class], keeping their body parts for the elites only, and psychic abilities.
This particular book does a good job of bringing a reader into the Known Space timeline very well but like the Planck, the storyline drops off the cliff into parts unknown. Are there books between the 'Protector' and this one? What book might come after this one? What actually happens to the Planck and its 'crew'?
The release of the story is quite old now but not too outdated in how its told. Still good storytelling, no veering off onto tangents [which I don't like at all] or bogging down the movement with unnecessary information [something else I don't like].
I stopped at about 3 hours. That SHOULD be long enough to get a sense of where a book is going and if it draws you in and yet the author was still describing his main characters [in 3 different storylines no less].
Also the author would tangent now and again to topics that had no relevance, in my opinion, to moving a storyline forward.
Just too verbose of an author for my taste.
Very good book for someone who's not a scientist. Linear storytelling, lots of personal stories including the mysterious Walter Reed of Walter Reed Hospital that the US Presidents were taken to for health-related issues when I was young.
Sorry author! I scanned the title and didn't catch that the word 'life' intended a memoir aspect. I was looking more for a biography of the sea creatures.
However, what I did read was a lovely merging of biography of the sea creatures and your memoir, like watching kelp forests swaying back-n-forth.
Say it with me 'feral goldfish'.
A great mix of character-building and action. Bad-ass nuns and an opening sentence up there with The Gunslinger.